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Cake Talent Search

Avatar of Caspar Wu.
Avatar of Caspar Wu.
Sr. Inspection Process Engineer @Corning Incorporated (Asia region)
2018 ~ 2023
Project Manager、PM、專案經理、UX、網站企劃、產品企劃
Within one month
Caspar Wu Sr. Inspection Process Engineer Taichung City, Taiwan Over 10 years solid background in process engineering and hands-on experience in optimizing manufacturing. Have good communication skills, cross-functional collaboration experience, and project leadership capabilities to optimize processes, enhance yield, reduce downtime/cost, and solve customer complaints. Assist the company digital transmission by deploying big data system, and contribute to organizational [email protected] Work Experience Sr. Inspection Process Engineer • Corning, Technology Dept. 2018//05 Project manager .Lead cross-departmental projects by coordinating design, manufacturing, and quality teams in
Process Integration
Statistical Analysis
Open to opportunities
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
10-15 years
National Sun Yat-Sen University
Avatar of Tzuo Jiun (Vek) Tsai.
Avatar of Tzuo Jiun (Vek) Tsai.
Founder & Director @VEKick Studio. 威踢工作室
2019 ~ Present
Project Manager、PM、專案經理、UX、網站企劃、產品企劃
Within one month
蔡作君 (Vek Tsai) Neihu Dist., Taipei City, TW | [email protected] 法律系畢業後,我旋即投入音樂產業從事版權授權和行銷企劃等相關職務,曾擔任 滾石國際音樂(股)公司 的 新媒體企劃 ,與國內外各大數位音樂平台對接,執行公司海內外所有音樂產品的數位轉型近8年
Google Drive
Open to opportunities
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
10-15 years
Avatar of the user.
Avatar of the user.
產品 / 行銷顧問 @個人接案 freelancer
2023 ~ Present
Project Manager、PM、專案經理、UX、網站企劃、產品企劃
Within six months
Google Analytics
Facebook Marketing
Project Management
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
元智大學 Yuan Ze University
Avatar of the user.
Avatar of the user.
Product Manager @Pinkoi
2022 ~ 2023
Project Manager、PM、專案經理、UX、網站企劃、產品企劃
Within one year
word + powerpoint + excel + email
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
NCKU, National Cheng Kung University
Avatar of 程韋智.
Avatar of 程韋智.
雲端架構師 @邁達特數位股份有限公司
2022 ~ Present
Project Manager、PM、專案經理、UX、網站企劃、產品企劃
More than one year
Cheng Wei Chih Currently employed as a Cloud Architect at MetaAge Corporation. Familiar with GCP architecture, Linux/CLI/Bash scripting, Terraform and Python. Experienced in GCE/GKE deployment and network architecture planning , and provides technical support for large-scale shopping mall and retailer clients. Conduct training through online/on-site sessions. [email protected] Taipei, Taiwan Google Cloud Platform Google Compute Engine Google Kubernetes Engine Cloud SQL/DMS IAM/Service Account/IAP Load Balancer/Backend/Health Check/SSL Certificate VPC/Routing/Firewall
Linux OS
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
Avatar of the user.
Avatar of the user.
資深專員 @上海商業儲蓄銀行
2021 ~ Present
Project Manager、PM、專案經理、UX、網站企劃、產品企劃
More than one year
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years

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Within one month
Logo of 邁達特數位股份有限公司.
2022 ~ Present
Taipei, 台灣
Professional Background
Current status
Job Search Progress
Project / Product Management, System Architecture
Fields of Employment
Hardware, Software, SaaS / Cloud Services
Work experience
4-6 years
I've had experience in managing 1-5 people
Linux OS
Linux Shell
Linux Administration
Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
Job search preferences
Project Manager、PM、專案經理、UX、網站企劃、產品企劃
Job types
Taipei, 台灣
Interested in working remotely

Cheng Wei Chih

Currently employed as a Cloud Architect at MetaAge Corporation. 

  1. Familiar with GCP architecture, Linux/CLI/Bash scripting, Terraform and Python.
  2. Experienced in GCE/GKE deployment and network architecture planning , and provides technical support for large-scale shopping mall and retailer clients.
  3. Conduct training through online/on-site sessions.

  Taipei, Taiwan

Google Cloud Platform

  • Google Compute Engine
  • Google Kubernetes Engine
  • Cloud SQL/DMS
  • IAM/Service Account/IAP
  • Load Balancer/Backend/Health Check/SSL Certificate
  • VPC/Routing/Firewall/Cloud VPN/Share VPC/PGA/PSA/PSC/VSC
  • Cloud Monitoring/Logging/Alert
  • Cloud Armor
  • BigQuery
  • Billing and CUD

Other Stack

  • Linux
  • Kubernetes
  • Network
  • Git
  • Prometheus/Grafana
  • System Automation(Bash script/Terraform)
  • Hystax VM Disaster Recovery
  • Python

Soft Skill

  • Fluent English speaker, presentation and studying.
  • Company Official Website Project Management experience, with 5 team members.
  • Project solution architect , presentation, SOW and schedule control.


National Chung Hsing University

Sep. 2014 — July. 2016

  • Master's degree, major in Electrical Engineering


Professional Cloud Architect

May. 2022 - May.2024

Professional Google Workspace Administrator

Apr. 2023 - Apr.2025


MetaAge Corporation

July. 2022 - Present

MetaAge focuses on introducing the most advanced global software and hardware of information services to meet the requirements of corporate customers.

Cloud Architect

Jul. 2022 — Present

  • 2022/08 Chemical Factory
    • SAP systems builds with DEV/QAS/PRD environment.
    • Linux LVM/NFS, and bash script for auto bootup/shutdown.
    • SAP Backint Agent configuration for data/log/catalog backup to Cloud Storage.
    • CUD for cost optimization.
  • 2022/09 Cement Factory
    • 136*VMware VMs DR solution on GCP with Hystax.
    • Routing weight for solving the same subnet IP range between On-prem and GCP(DR site) problems.
    • POC with 15*VMs and recovery on GCP.
  • 2022/11 Manufacturing Factory
    • Litmus Manufacturing Connect Manager - data pipeline to BigQuery solution.
    • Write the Python Code to collect the data from Kafka in Manager VM through data cleansing/transformation process, and import to BigQuery in real-time.
  • 2022/12 MetaAge Corporation
    • Write the Python code to call the Google Workspace API and collect customer usage data for Google Workspace, such as daily log-in time and Google Drive total usage capacity(MB).
  • 2023/02 - 2023/05 Well-known Retailer
    • Assist and reply to technical questions in the Line group to help customers develop the shopping APP on GKE.
    • Kubernetes/GKE concept guide includes cluster maintenance windows, Standard v.s. Autopilot mode, cluster autoscaler, HPA, PDB, ingress/service in GKE, cluster IP range design for node/pod/service and storage resources. 
    • Share VPC/Cloud DNS design best practice.
    • Cloud SQL configuration guide and introduction, includes query insight, instance maintenance windows, capacity growing problem due to massive bin log generation, SQL import/export, and backup schedule.
    • Conduct 4 days of on-site training about GCP with customized material.
  • 2023/04 Shopping Mall
    • Information & intelligence platform migration from 8*AWS EC2 VMs to GCP via compute engine migration to virtual machines service.
  • 2023/04 Automotive Electronics Company
    • Official website migration with GCP LB, GCP managed SSL certificate, Cloud Armor and Cloud CDN.
  • 2023/05 Shopping Mall
    • Parking fee discount system migration on GCP with strict downtime requirement.
    • Propose Nginx reverse proxy with MSSQL database CDC solution.
  • 2023/05 Government Institution
    • Configure Cloud Armor with Managed Protection Plus edition to protect the on-prem official website VM, with Internet NEG as GCP load balancer backend.  
    • Deploy Cloud Armor, protection policy includes OWASP top 10 preconfigured rules, Advanced network DDoS protection, Threat Intelligence and Adaptive Protection. 
  • 2023/06 Shopping Mall
    • Multiple API, Windows task scheduler, official websites on Windows IIS, and MySQL/MSSQL database system migration to GCP.
    • Refactor the Windows task scheduler into Cloud scheduler/Cloud Function, MySQL/MSSQL into Cloud SQL, and official website content into Compute Engines for reducing system complexity after migration.

Infortrend Technology, Inc

Dec. 2016 — Oct. 2021

A pure-play Enterprise Data Storage solution provider with 25 years of history and a public listed company in Taiwan since 2002. In order to deliver the highest quality products and services, Infortrend integrated product development, design, manufacturing, technical consulting/support to deliver a comprehensive solution to customers.

Website Project Manager

Sep. 2019 — Oct. 2021

  • Study competitor's technical document and white paper, discuss and report to Product Planning team.
  • Technical document writing (Application Note, White Paper,  Best Practice)
  • Develop the product configurator to simplify the business development process, the task includes: Calculation formula, schedule control and UI/UX review and team management.
  • Redesign the support site to increase the post-sales quality, the task includes: Website architecture and services define, schedule control and UI/UX review and team management.


May. 2017  Oct. 2021

  • Project evaluation, planning and PoC.
  • Making product/solution introduction slide and competitor analysis
  • On-site/online technical training via English.

Solution Research Engineer

Nov. 2016 — May. 2017

  • Study competitor's technical document and white paper, discuss and report to Product Planning team.
  • Technical document writing (Application Note, White Paper,  Best Practice)

Project Management Experience

EonStor CS Product Configurator

Through the EonStor CS product configurator, users who are not familiar with the product only need to enter the capacity, performance and network environment requirements, and the configurator will automatically recommend a solution kit based on the content of the demand, which simplify business cooking and promotion processes. On the other hand, users that already familiar with EonStor CS can also list out the solution kit, and query the total capacity and performance that it can deliver.

Support Site

In order to improve the service quality of the post-sales support to customers, a support website was re-planned for the end of 2019. Including the following two pages.

Technical Support

After selecting the product, you can use the support services, including product installation and maintenance guideline. Software, firmware and technical document download. Users can also contact technical support engineers through the support ticket system for advanced support.

Product Services

After logging in, you can register the product on this page to enable more services: including enabling the advanced data services, product repair (RMA/AVR), and shipment progress status query.


Visit Korean distributor for technical training

Visit Korean distributor for technical training

Visit Vietnam distributor for technical training

2019 employee of the year


Cheng Wei Chih

Currently employed as a Cloud Architect at MetaAge Corporation. 

  1. Familiar with GCP architecture, Linux/CLI/Bash scripting, Terraform and Python.
  2. Experienced in GCE/GKE deployment and network architecture planning , and provides technical support for large-scale shopping mall and retailer clients.
  3. Conduct training through online/on-site sessions.

  Taipei, Taiwan

Google Cloud Platform

  • Google Compute Engine
  • Google Kubernetes Engine
  • Cloud SQL/DMS
  • IAM/Service Account/IAP
  • Load Balancer/Backend/Health Check/SSL Certificate
  • VPC/Routing/Firewall/Cloud VPN/Share VPC/PGA/PSA/PSC/VSC
  • Cloud Monitoring/Logging/Alert
  • Cloud Armor
  • BigQuery
  • Billing and CUD

Other Stack

  • Linux
  • Kubernetes
  • Network
  • Git
  • Prometheus/Grafana
  • System Automation(Bash script/Terraform)
  • Hystax VM Disaster Recovery
  • Python

Soft Skill

  • Fluent English speaker, presentation and studying.
  • Company Official Website Project Management experience, with 5 team members.
  • Project solution architect , presentation, SOW and schedule control.


National Chung Hsing University

Sep. 2014 — July. 2016

  • Master's degree, major in Electrical Engineering


Professional Cloud Architect

May. 2022 - May.2024

Professional Google Workspace Administrator

Apr. 2023 - Apr.2025


MetaAge Corporation

July. 2022 - Present

MetaAge focuses on introducing the most advanced global software and hardware of information services to meet the requirements of corporate customers.

Cloud Architect

Jul. 2022 — Present

  • 2022/08 Chemical Factory
    • SAP systems builds with DEV/QAS/PRD environment.
    • Linux LVM/NFS, and bash script for auto bootup/shutdown.
    • SAP Backint Agent configuration for data/log/catalog backup to Cloud Storage.
    • CUD for cost optimization.
  • 2022/09 Cement Factory
    • 136*VMware VMs DR solution on GCP with Hystax.
    • Routing weight for solving the same subnet IP range between On-prem and GCP(DR site) problems.
    • POC with 15*VMs and recovery on GCP.
  • 2022/11 Manufacturing Factory
    • Litmus Manufacturing Connect Manager - data pipeline to BigQuery solution.
    • Write the Python Code to collect the data from Kafka in Manager VM through data cleansing/transformation process, and import to BigQuery in real-time.
  • 2022/12 MetaAge Corporation
    • Write the Python code to call the Google Workspace API and collect customer usage data for Google Workspace, such as daily log-in time and Google Drive total usage capacity(MB).
  • 2023/02 - 2023/05 Well-known Retailer
    • Assist and reply to technical questions in the Line group to help customers develop the shopping APP on GKE.
    • Kubernetes/GKE concept guide includes cluster maintenance windows, Standard v.s. Autopilot mode, cluster autoscaler, HPA, PDB, ingress/service in GKE, cluster IP range design for node/pod/service and storage resources. 
    • Share VPC/Cloud DNS design best practice.
    • Cloud SQL configuration guide and introduction, includes query insight, instance maintenance windows, capacity growing problem due to massive bin log generation, SQL import/export, and backup schedule.
    • Conduct 4 days of on-site training about GCP with customized material.
  • 2023/04 Shopping Mall
    • Information & intelligence platform migration from 8*AWS EC2 VMs to GCP via compute engine migration to virtual machines service.
  • 2023/04 Automotive Electronics Company
    • Official website migration with GCP LB, GCP managed SSL certificate, Cloud Armor and Cloud CDN.
  • 2023/05 Shopping Mall
    • Parking fee discount system migration on GCP with strict downtime requirement.
    • Propose Nginx reverse proxy with MSSQL database CDC solution.
  • 2023/05 Government Institution
    • Configure Cloud Armor with Managed Protection Plus edition to protect the on-prem official website VM, with Internet NEG as GCP load balancer backend.  
    • Deploy Cloud Armor, protection policy includes OWASP top 10 preconfigured rules, Advanced network DDoS protection, Threat Intelligence and Adaptive Protection. 
  • 2023/06 Shopping Mall
    • Multiple API, Windows task scheduler, official websites on Windows IIS, and MySQL/MSSQL database system migration to GCP.
    • Refactor the Windows task scheduler into Cloud scheduler/Cloud Function, MySQL/MSSQL into Cloud SQL, and official website content into Compute Engines for reducing system complexity after migration.

Infortrend Technology, Inc

Dec. 2016 — Oct. 2021

A pure-play Enterprise Data Storage solution provider with 25 years of history and a public listed company in Taiwan since 2002. In order to deliver the highest quality products and services, Infortrend integrated product development, design, manufacturing, technical consulting/support to deliver a comprehensive solution to customers.

Website Project Manager

Sep. 2019 — Oct. 2021

  • Study competitor's technical document and white paper, discuss and report to Product Planning team.
  • Technical document writing (Application Note, White Paper,  Best Practice)
  • Develop the product configurator to simplify the business development process, the task includes: Calculation formula, schedule control and UI/UX review and team management.
  • Redesign the support site to increase the post-sales quality, the task includes: Website architecture and services define, schedule control and UI/UX review and team management.


May. 2017  Oct. 2021

  • Project evaluation, planning and PoC.
  • Making product/solution introduction slide and competitor analysis
  • On-site/online technical training via English.

Solution Research Engineer

Nov. 2016 — May. 2017

  • Study competitor's technical document and white paper, discuss and report to Product Planning team.
  • Technical document writing (Application Note, White Paper,  Best Practice)

Project Management Experience

EonStor CS Product Configurator

Through the EonStor CS product configurator, users who are not familiar with the product only need to enter the capacity, performance and network environment requirements, and the configurator will automatically recommend a solution kit based on the content of the demand, which simplify business cooking and promotion processes. On the other hand, users that already familiar with EonStor CS can also list out the solution kit, and query the total capacity and performance that it can deliver.

Support Site

In order to improve the service quality of the post-sales support to customers, a support website was re-planned for the end of 2019. Including the following two pages.

Technical Support

After selecting the product, you can use the support services, including product installation and maintenance guideline. Software, firmware and technical document download. Users can also contact technical support engineers through the support ticket system for advanced support.

Product Services

After logging in, you can register the product on this page to enable more services: including enabling the advanced data services, product repair (RMA/AVR), and shipment progress status query.


Visit Korean distributor for technical training

Visit Korean distributor for technical training

Visit Vietnam distributor for technical training

2019 employee of the year