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Avatar of Roshan Jebasingh.
Within one month
Roshan Jebasingh Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud. Kamarajapuram, Sembakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India Work Experience Job Title • Company Name AprJan 2020 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Job Title • Company Name AprJan 2020 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Job Title • Company
Full-time / Not interested in working remotely
4-6 years
Avatar of Lubna Hamad.
Avatar of Lubna Hamad.
The Primary Teacher @The Educators School Multan
2016 ~ 2018
Within one month
Lubna Hamad Seeking a suitable, carrier-oriented, challenging assignment leading to a position of responsibility to enhances my potential and skills by working with commitment and Excellence in a dynamic and progressive organization(School) . Goal-oriented Instructor dedicated to strengthening administrative operation. Multan District, Punjab Province, Pakistan Address: House No 462/9 Main Bazar, Nawan Sheher - MULTAN Contact :Work Experience The Primary Teacher • The Educators School Multan JanuaryJanuary 2018 A kind and compassionate Primary school Teacher is dedicated to creating an atmosphere that is stimulating and encouraging for all students. Enjoy using modern technology in the
Microsoft Office
Full-time / Not interested in working remotely
4-6 years
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Avatar of Mrs Kavita.
Avatar of Mrs Kavita.
Pre School Year Three @Kangaroo kids international preschool
2022 ~ Present
Within one year
Mrs Kavita Teacher MumbaiI'm a preschool teacher with 5 years of experience. I love creating fun activities that help kids learn and grow. I focus on making sure each child gets the support they need to succeed. I enjoy building relationships with kids, parents, and other teachers. I'm always learning new ways to be a better teacher and help kids thrive. Work Experience Pre School Year Three Kangaroo kids international preschool MayPresent Planning Fun Learning: Come up with cool things for kids to learn and do that match their age and interests.
Leadership + Management
Communication & relationship-building skills. Listen attentively
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
HNBG College , Kumaun University
Bachelor of Education (B.Ed)
Avatar of Samuel Waldman.
Avatar of Samuel Waldman.
Religious Teacher @Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe
2010 ~ Present
More than one year
Samuel Waldman Rabbi Samuel Waldman has had a diverse career in religious education . His beginnings started off with being indoctrinated with the teachings of Horav Hagoan Rabbi Avigdor Miller ZT"L's teachings. At 17 years old he started to listen to hundreds of Rabbi Miller's tapes and encouraged many others to do so as well. He also was close with the former Mashgiach of Mirrer Yeshiva, Horav Hagoan Rav Don Segal shlit"a. He started off his married life learning in the Kollel of Mirrer Yeshiva. After 4 years in Mirrer Yeshiva Kollel
religious teaching
United States
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
More than 15 years
Yeshiva of Staten Island
Avatar of Milka Majstorovic.
Avatar of Milka Majstorovic.
Radno iskustvo @Valjevska gimnazija
1992 ~ Present
Within one year
Милка Мајсторовић професорка географије Ваљево, Србија [email protected] Поседујем компетенције из различитих области (К1, К2, К3, К4) стечене кроз едукације и професионално искуство. Образовање Природно-математички факултет Универзитета у Сарајеву одсек за географијуРадно искуство ОШ "Свети Сава" • Попучке, Ваљево септембарсептембаргодине ОШ "Андра Савчић " • Ваљево мартсептембаргодине ОШ "Владика Николај Велимировић" • Ваљево новембармартгодине ОШ "Десанка Максимовић" • Ваљево априлсептембаргодине Економска школа "Ваљево" • Ваљево мартсептембаргодине Ваљевска гимназија • Ваљево од априлагодине (тренутно запослена) Вештине и ангажовања Тимски рад и сарадње Током вишегодишњег искуства рада у школама, учествовала сам у различитим тимовима. Такође, ангажовала сам се и
Part-time / Interested in working remotely
More than 15 years
Prirodno matematički fakultet
Profesor geografije
Avatar of the user.
Avatar of the user.
Наставник географије @Основна школа "Васа Стајић" Нови Сад
2019 ~ Present
More than one year
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
Природно математички факултет Нови Сад
Дипломирани географ, Мастер професор географије
EYFS Teacher @Bright horizons child care services
2018 ~ 2020
More than one year
SANIA SULTANA Creative and energetic Early Childhood Education professional devoted to offering diverse activity plans and experiential learning opportunities to enhance individual development. Dedicated professional presenting a commitment to working with young children and families to achieve positive educational results. Proven ability to quickly develop rapport with children through friendly approach, patient demeanor and excellent communication skills. Organized with exceptional work ethic and dedication to completing projects. Skilled in both independently motivated and collaborative team settings. Fantastic multitasker with skill in monitoring safety, progress and growth while providing exciting,educational and welcoming classrooms. Proficient
special needs education
Curriculum Planning
Art And Craft Work
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
ICFAI University
Avatar of Suny Ghaffar.
Avatar of Suny Ghaffar.
Inline Checking/Finishing @Kalash
2021 ~ Present
More than one year
Suny Ghaffar I have Worked as Checker/Finisher in MTM and Inline Checker In Kalash With Experiencing of 6 years. I have assisted Many Businesses in Improving the user Experiencing of their products and platforms. Chak 77 JB, Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan Work Experience Inline Checking/Finishing • Kalash AugustPresent I worked as a Inline checking officer in kalash for last year Checking/Finishing • MTM AugustSeptember 2020 I Worked as a checking officer in MTM for 5 Years.. EducationGovt. High School 67 J.B Sadhar Matric Skills Languages Inline Checking Checking vital sings
Inline Checking
Checking vital sings and recording daily information in the patient's chart.
4-6 years
Govt. High School 67 J.B Sadhar
Avatar of the user.
Avatar of the user.
Медицинска школа "7.април" , Нови Сад @
2013 ~ Present
More than one year
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
Медицински факултет Нови Сад
Здравствена нега
Avatar of the user.
More than one year
Google Drive
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Masters of Gifted Education

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More than one year
Religious Educator
Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe
2010 ~ Present
New York, 紐約美國
United States
Professional Background
Current status
Job Search Progress
Educational Publisher, Elementary / Middle / High School Teacher
Fields of Employment
Work experience
More than 15 years
I've had experience in managing 15+ people
religious teaching
jewish education
Religious Education
Native or Bilingual
Job search preferences
Job types
New York, 紐約美國
Interested in working remotely
Yes, I'm currently a full-time freelancer
Yeshiva of Staten Island

Samuel Waldman

Rabbi Samuel Waldman has had a diverse career in religious education. His beginnings started off with being indoctrinated with the teachings of Horav Hagoan Rabbi Avigdor Miller ZT"L's teachings. At 17 years old he started to listen to hundreds of Rabbi Miller's tapes and encouraged many others to do so as well. He also was close with the former Mashgiach of Mirrer Yeshiva, Horav Hagoan Rav Don Segal shlit"a.

He started off his married life learning in the Kollel of Mirrer Yeshiva. After 4 years in Mirrer Yeshiva Kollel he was invited to join the Kollel of The Yeshiva Mercaz HaTorah at Belle Harbor at that time run by Rabbi Levi Dicker zt"L and Rabbi Chaim Zelikovitz Shlit'a. The intention was to eventually bring him into the position of Mashgaich of the High School, but after 2 years in it he indeed became one!

Rabbi Waldman was a great teacher at Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe and has left an impact on many students over the period he has been teaching there. For 11 years he has taught at 4th and 7th grade for 11 years. Additionally, Rabbi Waldman taught for several years at Camp Torah Vodaas (now known as Camp Dora Golding).

He has also embarked on a major writing project that is just about finished. He is creating a very lengthy and comprehensive Sefer, all about the extremely important subject of Proper Prayer. This discusses all the reasons why Orthodox Jews spend so much time in prayer every day. It explains what we are supposed to accomplish by spending so much time in prayer. Ideas that most Jews are unaware of.

Rabbi Samuel Waldman has decided to leave teaching and start a successful business career. He is currently a part-time rabbi, making his living from selling specialty herbal supplements for bladder control and mental/cognitive health products. He also plans on releasing a Mental and Cognitive strengthening supplement soon which will be of high quality aloe Vera.

  New York, NY, USA      

Work Experience

Religious Teacher  •  Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe

October 2010 - Present

Rabbi Waldman also taught 4th and then 7th grade for 11 years at the Elementary school, Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe in Queens, NY.


1987 - 1990

Yeshiva of Staten Island

Field of study

1984 - 1986

Mesivta of Long Beach

Field of study

1980 - 1984

Mirrer Yeshiva

Field of study


  • religious teaching
  • torah
  • talmud
  • jewish education
  • Religious Education


  • English — Native or Bilingual

Samuel Waldman

Rabbi Samuel Waldman has had a diverse career in religious education. His beginnings started off with being indoctrinated with the teachings of Horav Hagoan Rabbi Avigdor Miller ZT"L's teachings. At 17 years old he started to listen to hundreds of Rabbi Miller's tapes and encouraged many others to do so as well. He also was close with the former Mashgiach of Mirrer Yeshiva, Horav Hagoan Rav Don Segal shlit"a.

He started off his married life learning in the Kollel of Mirrer Yeshiva. After 4 years in Mirrer Yeshiva Kollel he was invited to join the Kollel of The Yeshiva Mercaz HaTorah at Belle Harbor at that time run by Rabbi Levi Dicker zt"L and Rabbi Chaim Zelikovitz Shlit'a. The intention was to eventually bring him into the position of Mashgaich of the High School, but after 2 years in it he indeed became one!

Rabbi Waldman was a great teacher at Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe and has left an impact on many students over the period he has been teaching there. For 11 years he has taught at 4th and 7th grade for 11 years. Additionally, Rabbi Waldman taught for several years at Camp Torah Vodaas (now known as Camp Dora Golding).

He has also embarked on a major writing project that is just about finished. He is creating a very lengthy and comprehensive Sefer, all about the extremely important subject of Proper Prayer. This discusses all the reasons why Orthodox Jews spend so much time in prayer every day. It explains what we are supposed to accomplish by spending so much time in prayer. Ideas that most Jews are unaware of.

Rabbi Samuel Waldman has decided to leave teaching and start a successful business career. He is currently a part-time rabbi, making his living from selling specialty herbal supplements for bladder control and mental/cognitive health products. He also plans on releasing a Mental and Cognitive strengthening supplement soon which will be of high quality aloe Vera.

  New York, NY, USA      

Work Experience

Religious Teacher  •  Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe

October 2010 - Present

Rabbi Waldman also taught 4th and then 7th grade for 11 years at the Elementary school, Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe in Queens, NY.


1987 - 1990

Yeshiva of Staten Island

Field of study

1984 - 1986

Mesivta of Long Beach

Field of study

1980 - 1984

Mirrer Yeshiva

Field of study


  • religious teaching
  • torah
  • talmud
  • jewish education
  • Religious Education


  • English — Native or Bilingual