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Java工程師 @格拉墨科技有限公司
2021 ~ 2024
RD 工程師
Within one month
Spring Framework
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
Avatar of 劉明坤.
Avatar of 劉明坤.
Java工程師 @奕特資訊科技公司ITER TECHNOLOGY LTD.
2023 ~ 2025
Within one month
學學系 碩士 中華大學 應用數學系 學士 工作經歷-Work Experience 奕特資訊有限公司 - Java工程師 2023//01 一騰資訊服務股份有限公司 - Java軟體開發工程師 2021//09 宏康智慧股份有限公司 - 軟體工程師 2020//06 暴 風網路科技有限公司-Java後端工程師 2018/07
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
國立中正大學(National Chung Cheng University)
Avatar of Ian Wang.
Avatar of Ian Wang.
Java工程師 @言某諮詢管理顧問有限公司
2023 ~ 2024
Within one month
Ian Wang I am now a java back-end programmer. I am willing to challenge difficulties and to help team members. I have experience in distributed system which's tech is related to large number of users and high concurrency. I can deal with the performance issue based on redis, kafka and MongoDB. Back-end Engineer City,Taiwan Taipei github [email protected] Personality Team player, Sharing, Earnest, Detailed, Liable Skills Front-end - HTML - Javascript - CSS Back-end - Spring boot/ Spring Cloud/Spring Security/ JPA - MySQL/ Redis/ Kafka/
Spring Data JPA
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
Java & Android程式設計班
Avatar of Tom Jheng.
Avatar of Tom Jheng.
Java後端工程師 @重高科技股份有限公司
2024 ~ Present
Within one month
補強 。對技術和開發充滿熱情的我,不斷尋求機會發展職業生涯。 您可以通過以下連結了解更多關於我的專業背景和興趣: JAVA後端工程師 台灣台北 [email protected] 技能/軟體 前端 React 版控 Github/ SVN Maven/Gradle 後端 Java Spring/Spring MVC/Spring Boot Hibernate/MyBatis MS SQL/MySQL
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
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java工程師 @奕特資訊有限公司
2024 ~ Present
Within one month
Spring Boot
Spring MVC
Spring Cloud
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
10-15 years
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Senior Java Engineer @栩琛科技股份有限公司
2024 ~ Present
Senior Java engineer
Within one month
Spring Framework
Spring Boot
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
10-15 years
Avatar of 李佶峯.
Avatar of 李佶峯.
Senior Java Engineer @裕隆集團_格上汽車租賃股份有限公司
2022 ~ 2024
Sr. Java Web Developer, Back-end Developer
Within one month
Mark Lee Sr. Java Web Developer, Back-end Developer Taichung City, TW [email protected] ,工作經歷 Senior Java Engineer . 裕隆集團_格上汽車租賃股份有限公司~.共享車GoSmart app、一般租車微服務架構後端開發 .會員、權限、票券、推播、租車 .串接跨部門SDK、第三方API .新舊系統整合與翻新 Java Engineer . 雲端互動股份有限公司
Spring Framework
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
Avatar of Matthew Chang.
Avatar of Matthew Chang.
Software Architect @Leading Information System
2023 ~ Present
Software Architect / Manager / Director
Within one month
Matthew Chang Java Software Architect - B.S. degree in Software - Engineering with 15+ year industry experiencesyears experiences in developing web based cloud application using server and database technology. (Java, micro-service, Kubernetes, Spring framework, PostgreSQL, Oracle, HANA, Restful, JBOSS, Tomcat, JavaScriptyear experiences in full stack developing Element Management System. (Java, SNMP, XML-RPCyear experiences in QA and QA automation for networking. (Python, Tcl, Silktest, Java, Oracle) - Fluent in English and Mandarin; basic understanding in Cantonese. Taoyuan, 桃園區桃園市台灣[email protected] 工作經歷
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
More than 15 years
San Jose State University
Software Engineering
Avatar of CY Wang.
Avatar of CY Wang.
System Analyst, Backend Developer @我愛數位科技股份有限公司
2023 ~ 2025
Senior Software Engineer
Within one month
CY Wang Senior Software Engineer | Node.js | TypeScript | JavaScript | Backend | Web Developer | Python Taipei, Taiwan More than 8 years experience in Software System Development. From Requirement (User Story or UI Flow) Analysis, System Design, to Database Design, Backend Architecture, API Spec. Design and Implementation. Started my career as a fullstack developer, switch to backend focused during the transition from junior to senior. Done well in teamwork with frontend developers, delivering predictable and well performing API backend. GitHub: Experience System Analyst, Backend Developer • 4iTech 我愛數
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
國立台北教育大學 National Taipei University of Education
Computer Science
Avatar of Chih-Hsuan Wei.
Avatar of Chih-Hsuan Wei.
Senior Software Engineer @Azurewave Technology
2023 ~ Present
Senior Software Engineer
Within one month
以柔資訊, Taichung City, FebJan 2023 Develop web application for IT user for file management and access right. Windows shell extension : overlayIcon, contextmenu Sign PE files tool by .NET remoting. Web server management by Nginx. Skills C/C++/C#, java, JavaSever Faces, Primefaces, Nginx, Subversion Software Engineer, Moldex3D, Zhubei City, MarJan 2022 Software development in Siemens NX plugin. Applying Moldex3d simulation and mesh knoweledge in NX cad software. Develop and maintain OEM product (Siemens NX Easy Fill Advanced). Auto pack OEM product (Siemens NX Easy Fill
Wireless Technologies
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (YunTech)
Mechanical Engineering/Mechatronics and System Control

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Within one month
Senior Software Engineer | Node.js | TypeScript | JavaScript | Backend | Web Developer | Python
Logo of 我愛數位科技股份有限公司.
2023 ~ 2025
Taipei, Taiwan
Professional Background
Current status
Job Search Progress
Ready to interview
Back-end Engineer, Software Engineer, Node.js Developer
Fields of Employment
Information Services, SaaS / Cloud Services, Software
Work experience
6-10 years
I've had experience in managing 1-5 people
Visual Studio Code
Apollo GraphQL
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
Swagger API
Requirements Analysis
System Design
Database Design
Backend Development
API Design
API Development
Native or Bilingual
Job search preferences
Senior Software Engineer
Job types
Taipei, Taiwan, New Taipei City, 台灣
Interested in working remotely
國立台北教育大學 National Taipei University of Education
Computer Science

CY Wang

Senior Software Engineer | Node.js | TypeScript | JavaScript | Backend | Web Developer | Python

  Taipei, Taiwan

More than 8 years experience in Software System Development. From Requirement (User Story or UI Flow) Analysis, System Design, to Database Design, Backend Architecture, API Spec. Design and Implementation.
Started my career as a fullstack developer, switch to backend focused during the transition from junior to senior. Done well in teamwork with frontend developers, delivering predictable and well performing API backend.




System Analyst, Backend Developer  •  4iTech 我愛數位科技股份有限公司

六月 2023 - 一月 2025

- System Analysis and Design
- Backend Development
- Writing of design documentation and technical documentation
- Lead junior developers

1. Nest.js GraphQL code first repo structuring and feature implementation with highly reusable components, together with junior and mid-level developers
2. Three-tier IoT and Streaming system design, tuning between DEV and UAT phase increases streaming performance 20~50x, solve performance issues with FE in different aspects
3. Legacy project phase2 API development and phase1 API performance tuning increases slow APIs performance 10x
4. Legacy GraphQL API using schema first approach with Apollo Server

Senior Software Engineer | Backend  •  Phase 德商飛思軟體有限公司

六月 2022 - 九月 2022

I left due to personal health issues, recovered well now.

- Maintain backend API with bug fixes
- Design backend microservices decoupling proposal
- Join the TDD workshops and pair-programming

Senior Software Engineer | Backend | SA/SD/SE  •  Advantech 研華科技

八月 2018 - 三月 2022

## In the beginning, I participated in an existing project with about 60% of maturity to be a product ready for sale.
**Refactor and Enhance** :
1. Production-ready delivery, microservices Docker-ization, make the whole system bundled installation to edge computer. Run as OS daemon service (start after boot, restart after exit)
2. Refactor the flow of receiving IoT sensor data input. Reducing data that poll from and moving between databases. Discarding unnecessary input to reduce storage consumption, and implementing old record auto-deletion.
3. Add a RESTful API layer to provide an endpoint for external system interaction. Use the front-end/back-end separated approach to implement a configurational portal, which invokes the same APIs described before.
4. The implementation of the API uses ORMs to manage queries to databases, and adapted Swagger to provide interactive API documentation.

## After about 2 years on the team, the product along with the whole team reorganized to product BU, and a new director came as our head, he applied for a considerable raise for me from the VP with a new challenging role to me.
**Revamp** the whole architecture to support the **evolving product business model** :
1. Re-design the system architecture and re-write the whole codebase, including the features from previous generation products. Product manager illustrates the feature module requirements, and I planned out the microservices layout.
2. Choosing the suitable database(s) software combination according to technical requirements. Using MongoDB to store customer configuration, InfluxDB to store sensor raw data, and Redis as cache and lightweight queue.
3. Introduce TypeScript in both front-end and back-end development, and GraphQL for API. Make both codebase and API mostly strong-typed, better increasing the consistency and explicitly for teamwork.
4. Implement API Gateway and Service Register / Discover mechanism to support the "Addon Apps" business model.
Please see the "Portfolios" section of my participation in products of Advantech **with diagrams**
- Advantech iFactory Solution Suite
- Advantech iFactory OEE FEMS (Overall Equipment Effectiveness Solution, Factory Energy Management Solution)

Senior Software Engineer | Backend  •  TPE48 Entertainment

十二月 2017 - 六月 2018

I left because the company was dissolved, and all employees are left.

- Official website with news article posting functionality
- Basic member area where customers can sign-up, log-in and fill there profiles
- Common sub-domain cookie based SSO

The projects above written in JavaScript / Node.js, built and deployed on GCP consist of the services below :
Google App Engine, MongoDB Atlas, Firebase Hosting with Cloud Functions for Firebase, Google Cloud Datastore

Web Developer | Software Engineer  •  K-Jump Health Co., LTD

十月 2013 - 十二月 2017

Using JavaScript and Web related technology mainly, and choose Node.js as backend runtime.

• First, as an one man team:
- Design API interface (RESTful HTTP API, first in XML format and then JSON afterward).
- Develop API backend for mobile APP (customer registration service).
- Develop API backend for both browser frontend and mobile APP (a service has two type user interfaces).
- Develop Web frontend user interface, using Bootstrap, jQuery and AngularJS 1.
- Database choice ranging from single JSON file, SQLite, CouchDB and finally MongoDB.
- Write simple API documentation.
- Maintain (Objective-C) and developing (Swift) iOS APP in a period of time.

• Then, as a three men team leader:
- Transfer most of frontend development workload to new colleague.
- Coaching new team member who has no experience in Web technology and network.
- Requirement analysis and system architecture design.
- Evaluate new tools (platform, framework, library, cloud service) to accomplish system architecture as building blocks.
- Code review and pair programming with team members.
- Arranging coding style, design patterns and project architecture which belong to this team.
- Develop desktop application using web technology. (platform: Electron a.k.a. Atom Shell from GitHub)
- Develop libraries for teammates using in projects.
- Third party services/APIs integration. (e.g. AWS, PayPal, SMS gateway, LINE messenger...)
- Planning deployment strategy of server system.


一月 2009 - 一月 2010

- ERP system (Taipei office hosted, users are from both Taipei and factory in China) maintenance.
- ERP tools/plugins/addons development (e.g. Web based BOM table importer, from xls file to SQL db table).
- VPN and VoIP connection (between office and factory) maintenance.
- Network maintenance.
- IT equipments maintenance.

Recent Projects

DFOST Insight

A 3-tier IoT environment monitoring system consists of IU, PU and Cloud.

Beside sensors monitoring voltage or temperature of the hardware, the uniqueness of the system is it connecting a fiber-optic and analog-digital convertor to detect events alongside the path of the fiber.

dentsu-PIANO ERP

The ERP system used by dentsu Taiwan Group, users including Planner(customer facing), Buyer(vendor facing) and Finance personels from different roles and departments.

Providing function modules such as Campaign, Cue, Order, Purchase, Receipt, Payment, Finance integration and Main Data management etc.

DKSH-HOS Online repairing request APP API

A system using mobile APP for online repairing request, purchasing parts and warranty inquiry.

Including APP for customers and management back office for administration staffs.

Advantech iFactory Solution Suite

An industrial IoT platform


國立台北教育大學 National Taipei University of Education

Computer Science

2010 - 2013


  • TypeScript
  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • Nest.js
  • Git
  • Visual Studio Code
  • GraphQL
  • Apollo GraphQL
  • RESTful API
  • MQTT
  • Mongoose.js
  • MongoDB
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis
  • Influxdb
  • ETCD
  • Docker
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
  • IoT
  • Koa.js
  • Swagger API
  • Express.js
  • Requirements Analysis
  • System Design
  • Database Design
  • Backend Development
  • API Design
  • API Development
  • Microservices
  • Python
  • Flask


  • Chinese — 母語或雙語
  • English — 中階
  • Japanese — 初階

CY Wang

Senior Software Engineer | Node.js | TypeScript | JavaScript | Backend | Web Developer | Python

  Taipei, Taiwan

More than 8 years experience in Software System Development. From Requirement (User Story or UI Flow) Analysis, System Design, to Database Design, Backend Architecture, API Spec. Design and Implementation.
Started my career as a fullstack developer, switch to backend focused during the transition from junior to senior. Done well in teamwork with frontend developers, delivering predictable and well performing API backend.




System Analyst, Backend Developer  •  4iTech 我愛數位科技股份有限公司

六月 2023 - 一月 2025

- System Analysis and Design
- Backend Development
- Writing of design documentation and technical documentation
- Lead junior developers

1. Nest.js GraphQL code first repo structuring and feature implementation with highly reusable components, together with junior and mid-level developers
2. Three-tier IoT and Streaming system design, tuning between DEV and UAT phase increases streaming performance 20~50x, solve performance issues with FE in different aspects
3. Legacy project phase2 API development and phase1 API performance tuning increases slow APIs performance 10x
4. Legacy GraphQL API using schema first approach with Apollo Server

Senior Software Engineer | Backend  •  Phase 德商飛思軟體有限公司

六月 2022 - 九月 2022

I left due to personal health issues, recovered well now.

- Maintain backend API with bug fixes
- Design backend microservices decoupling proposal
- Join the TDD workshops and pair-programming

Senior Software Engineer | Backend | SA/SD/SE  •  Advantech 研華科技

八月 2018 - 三月 2022

## In the beginning, I participated in an existing project with about 60% of maturity to be a product ready for sale.
**Refactor and Enhance** :
1. Production-ready delivery, microservices Docker-ization, make the whole system bundled installation to edge computer. Run as OS daemon service (start after boot, restart after exit)
2. Refactor the flow of receiving IoT sensor data input. Reducing data that poll from and moving between databases. Discarding unnecessary input to reduce storage consumption, and implementing old record auto-deletion.
3. Add a RESTful API layer to provide an endpoint for external system interaction. Use the front-end/back-end separated approach to implement a configurational portal, which invokes the same APIs described before.
4. The implementation of the API uses ORMs to manage queries to databases, and adapted Swagger to provide interactive API documentation.

## After about 2 years on the team, the product along with the whole team reorganized to product BU, and a new director came as our head, he applied for a considerable raise for me from the VP with a new challenging role to me.
**Revamp** the whole architecture to support the **evolving product business model** :
1. Re-design the system architecture and re-write the whole codebase, including the features from previous generation products. Product manager illustrates the feature module requirements, and I planned out the microservices layout.
2. Choosing the suitable database(s) software combination according to technical requirements. Using MongoDB to store customer configuration, InfluxDB to store sensor raw data, and Redis as cache and lightweight queue.
3. Introduce TypeScript in both front-end and back-end development, and GraphQL for API. Make both codebase and API mostly strong-typed, better increasing the consistency and explicitly for teamwork.
4. Implement API Gateway and Service Register / Discover mechanism to support the "Addon Apps" business model.
Please see the "Portfolios" section of my participation in products of Advantech **with diagrams**
- Advantech iFactory Solution Suite
- Advantech iFactory OEE FEMS (Overall Equipment Effectiveness Solution, Factory Energy Management Solution)

Senior Software Engineer | Backend  •  TPE48 Entertainment

十二月 2017 - 六月 2018

I left because the company was dissolved, and all employees are left.

- Official website with news article posting functionality
- Basic member area where customers can sign-up, log-in and fill there profiles
- Common sub-domain cookie based SSO

The projects above written in JavaScript / Node.js, built and deployed on GCP consist of the services below :
Google App Engine, MongoDB Atlas, Firebase Hosting with Cloud Functions for Firebase, Google Cloud Datastore

Web Developer | Software Engineer  •  K-Jump Health Co., LTD

十月 2013 - 十二月 2017

Using JavaScript and Web related technology mainly, and choose Node.js as backend runtime.

• First, as an one man team:
- Design API interface (RESTful HTTP API, first in XML format and then JSON afterward).
- Develop API backend for mobile APP (customer registration service).
- Develop API backend for both browser frontend and mobile APP (a service has two type user interfaces).
- Develop Web frontend user interface, using Bootstrap, jQuery and AngularJS 1.
- Database choice ranging from single JSON file, SQLite, CouchDB and finally MongoDB.
- Write simple API documentation.
- Maintain (Objective-C) and developing (Swift) iOS APP in a period of time.

• Then, as a three men team leader:
- Transfer most of frontend development workload to new colleague.
- Coaching new team member who has no experience in Web technology and network.
- Requirement analysis and system architecture design.
- Evaluate new tools (platform, framework, library, cloud service) to accomplish system architecture as building blocks.
- Code review and pair programming with team members.
- Arranging coding style, design patterns and project architecture which belong to this team.
- Develop desktop application using web technology. (platform: Electron a.k.a. Atom Shell from GitHub)
- Develop libraries for teammates using in projects.
- Third party services/APIs integration. (e.g. AWS, PayPal, SMS gateway, LINE messenger...)
- Planning deployment strategy of server system.


一月 2009 - 一月 2010

- ERP system (Taipei office hosted, users are from both Taipei and factory in China) maintenance.
- ERP tools/plugins/addons development (e.g. Web based BOM table importer, from xls file to SQL db table).
- VPN and VoIP connection (between office and factory) maintenance.
- Network maintenance.
- IT equipments maintenance.

Recent Projects

DFOST Insight

A 3-tier IoT environment monitoring system consists of IU, PU and Cloud.

Beside sensors monitoring voltage or temperature of the hardware, the uniqueness of the system is it connecting a fiber-optic and analog-digital convertor to detect events alongside the path of the fiber.

dentsu-PIANO ERP

The ERP system used by dentsu Taiwan Group, users including Planner(customer facing), Buyer(vendor facing) and Finance personels from different roles and departments.

Providing function modules such as Campaign, Cue, Order, Purchase, Receipt, Payment, Finance integration and Main Data management etc.

DKSH-HOS Online repairing request APP API

A system using mobile APP for online repairing request, purchasing parts and warranty inquiry.

Including APP for customers and management back office for administration staffs.

Advantech iFactory Solution Suite

An industrial IoT platform


國立台北教育大學 National Taipei University of Education

Computer Science

2010 - 2013


  • TypeScript
  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • Nest.js
  • Git
  • Visual Studio Code
  • GraphQL
  • Apollo GraphQL
  • RESTful API
  • MQTT
  • Mongoose.js
  • MongoDB
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis
  • Influxdb
  • ETCD
  • Docker
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
  • IoT
  • Koa.js
  • Swagger API
  • Express.js
  • Requirements Analysis
  • System Design
  • Database Design
  • Backend Development
  • API Design
  • API Development
  • Microservices
  • Python
  • Flask


  • Chinese — 母語或雙語
  • English — 中階
  • Japanese — 初階