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Avatar of 胡嘉倫.
Avatar of 胡嘉倫.
Senior UX Designer / UX Strategist @HTC 宏達國際電子股份有限公司
2022 ~ 2024
UI/UX Designer
Within one month
Linda Hu |胡嘉倫 Senior UI/UX Designer / UX Strategist Personal Portfolio Linkedin [email protected] I am an UI/UX designer proficient in logical Flow Chart planning, excelling in UI Design that possesses feasibility and aesthetics. Graphic Design and Digital Art were my primary stepping stone to the creative industry. These experiences have enriched my subsequent works with high level of design standard. After completion of a Master of Arts degree in England, I began my career as a designer inI have since had 6+ years of experiences in
Adobe XD
Adobe Photoshop
Ready to interview
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
Birmingham City University
Visual Communication
Avatar of Chia An, Liu.
Avatar of Chia An, Liu.
User Experience Designer @Sainsbury's
2023 ~ 2024
UI/UX Designer
Within one month
Chia An, Liu UIUX Designer Loughborough, UK I am a UI/UX designer with over four years of experience, specializing in user-centered research, digital product design, and usability testing. My expertise spans retail, e-commerce, and service design, with a strong background in creating scalable design systems and enhancing user experiences. I played a key role in redesigning the FamilyMart app, improving usability and contributing to a 4.7-star App Store rating. With a passion for innovation and data-driven design, I am eager to bring my skills to craft intuitive and engaging
Ready to interview
Taiwan・United Kingdom
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
Loughborough University
User Experience Design
Avatar of 李佩霖.
Avatar of 李佩霖.
UI / UX 設計 @小驢行股份有限公司
2022 ~ Present
UI/UX Designer
Within one month
李佩霖 Camille 擅長觀察、想像與創造。現 任長照派車系統前後台 UI /UX 設計,與前、後端工程師以及PM合作,共同打造網頁 UI 介面,以及系統平台資訊架構流程規劃,我在意體驗及細節感受, 並決心在 UI/UX 領域深耕。過去曾 任職於日本內衣以及日系彩
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
Avatar of the user.
Avatar of the user.
UX/UI設計師 @自由接案
2019 ~ Present
UI/UX Designer
Within one month
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
Tatung University (TTU) 大同大學
Avatar of Luke Kuo.
Avatar of Luke Kuo.
UX Designer @格拉墨科技
2023 ~ 2024
UI/UX Designer
Within one month
Luke Kuo UI/UX Designer 🎂🎈 New Taipei City, Taiwan 📱📥 [email protected] 👋 嗨, 我是育誠,也可以叫我 Luke 我擁有超過五年的 UI/UX 產品設計經驗,專注於打造美觀的 UI 視覺設計和流暢直覺的 UX 使用體驗。曾在 Agency 和 In-house 擔任設計師,參與過電商、科技金融、影音娛樂等多元專
Adobe XD
Ready to interview
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
Avatar of the user.
Avatar of the user.
Lead Product Designer @Tokamak Labs
2018 ~ 2024
UI/UX Designer
Within one month
Ready to interview
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
Avatar of the user.
Avatar of the user.
UI UX Designer @中強光電股份有限公司
2024 ~ Present
UI/UX Designer
Within one month
Service Design
Ready to interview
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
National Chiao Tung University
Institute of Applied Art
Avatar of 巫嘉偉.
Avatar of 巫嘉偉.
UIUX 網頁設計專員 @全聯實業有限公司
2023 ~ Present
UI/UX Designer
Within one month
巫嘉偉 「好學、解決問題、自我驅動」 個人特質: 畢業於修平科技大學,具備主動學習與解決問題的能力,個性活潑積極,樂於挑戰新事物。高中與大學期間積極參與各類工作,培養了獨立自主的性格。平時喜愛電影欣賞與運動健身,保持對新趨勢與設計
Ready to interview
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
Avatar of 林思婕.
Avatar of 林思婕.
美編主管 @昕宜國際有限公司
2018 ~ 2024
UI/UX Designer
Within one month
— 林思婕 Mysti 我擁有7年以上設計實作經歷,涵蓋平面設計、品牌識別、網頁互動設計、社群圖文等等,並具備專案管理與使用者調查經驗。 我的性格謹慎但又喜歡嘗試新奇的東西,對於日新月異的Ai時代,我喜歡每天嘗試用不一樣的方式或軟體來
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
Avatar of 張繼秋.
Avatar of 張繼秋.
UI設計組長 @品優科技有限公司
2018 ~ 2024
UI/UX Designer
Within one month
張繼秋 UI設計 新北市, 台灣 從事平面設計已有6~7年工作經驗,轉而從事UI設計約6年,並曾任UI設計組長職位,以設計提出解決問題的最佳方案,建立工作模式及跨部門溝通 工作經歷 UI設計組長 • 品優科技有限公司 二月
Illustrator / Photoshop
Adobe XD
Adobe InDesign
Ready to interview
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years

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Within three months
UI UX lead at Inno Technology
Nontough Studio
2007 ~ Present
Taipei, 台灣
Professional Background
Current status
Job Search Progress
Ready to interview
UI/UX Design
Fields of Employment
Work experience
More than 15 years work experience (6-10 years relevant)
I've had experience in managing 5-10 people
After Effects
JIRA Confluence
Job search preferences
UI/UX Designer
Job types
Taipei, 台灣
Interested in working remotely
Yes, I freelance in my spare time

Tom Luo

UI UX lead at Inno Technology

  Taipei City, Taiwan


it's a journey in finding the better & faster solutions to the intricacies of life.


Design Tools

   Illustrator      Photoshop      Sketch      Figma      Invision   



Role : Co-founder / Design Lead

台北轉運站 APP

Role : UI/UX Designer

京站 qsquare APP

Role : UI/UX Designer

雜誌插畫 (CHOC)

Role : Illustrator

Work Experience

UI/UX Design Team Leader  •  Inno Technology

August 2019 - Present

【 Team Leader 】

◼︎ Design workflow for product development, ensuring project will complete on schedule 

◼︎ Design Standard Operating Procedures for the team

◼︎ Actively communicating with departments inside and out, ensuring information and goal are up to date and alined

◼︎ Setting goals for team members future roadmap, individually assisting them accomplish their goals

◼︎ Team building : guiding with Team Core Building, Design Workshop and Long Term Projects

----- Team Core Building

  1. The “Golden Circle” mindset
  2. Team corporations with “Brigade” concept
  3. “Flexibility” with the goal in mind
  4. Designing with “Self Expression” as main goal

----- Design Workshop

  1. Talks on concept and mindset as a designer
  2. Design Better : regular design assignments 

----- Long Term Project 

  1. Build a competitive product analysis library
  2. “Design System Manager” to ensure design language is consistent across different products
  3. “Protopie” software for better prototyping experience

----- Team Management

  1. Use JIRA with monthly label based tracking workload 
  2. Quantify team workload

【 Product Design 】

◼︎ Design user flow for a better user experience

◼︎ Participating with product planning, ensuring the design is consistent with brand style and company goals

◼︎ Designing PC / Mobile / APP user interface

◼︎ Micro-animation Design : enhancing user interaction and interest 

◼︎ Building prototypes : simulation user process 

◼︎ Conducting UI review after the development phase to ensure design consistency and quality

◼︎ User Experience Design : considering the product is up the user expectation and needs

【 User Experience 】

◼︎ Competitor product analysis with pros and cons

◼︎ Following design trends of today and incorporate into our product

◼︎ Keep our tools up to date and switch to maximize efficiency

【 部門主管 】

◼︎ 建立並優化產品開發流程,確保項目按時交付

◼︎ SOP 標準流程建制

◼︎ 積極參與部門內外的溝通,確保項目進展和資訊流通暢

◼︎ 帶領團隊構建長遠發展規劃,並協助成員定義個人職涯目標

◼︎ 引導團隊成員理解和實踐團隊核心價值、設計工作坊、長期設計計畫等相關團隊管理

-----  團隊核心價值

  1. 建立黃金圈思維
  2. 團隊分工協力觀念
  3. 跨部門協作以完成目標的彈性
  4. 自我表達能力

----- 設計工作坊

  1. 分享設計師應該要有的思維與態度
  2. 定期設計訓練營

----- 長期設計計畫

  1. 競品分析圖書館:以長時間為單位去觀察競品的變化
  2. 設計管理系統:以確保產品的設計語彙一致性
  3. Protopie 產品原型設計軟體:以提供更高擬真的原型

----- 團隊管理

  1. 使用 JIRA 標籤追蹤觀察工作量
  2. 每月量化團隊工作狀況以作適度的調整

【 產品設計 】

◼︎ 設計和優化使用者流程,確保使用者在產品中的體驗順暢流暢

◼︎ 參與企劃策略發想,確保產品設計符合品牌理念和企業目標

◼︎ 設計 PC、移動裝置和應用程式的使用者介面

◼︎ 微動畫設計,增強使用者界面的互動性和吸引力

◼︎ 製作使用者介面模擬,模擬使用者在產品中的操作和流程

◼︎ 評估並把關 UI 視覺設計,確保設計風格和品質的一致性

◼︎ 進行使⽤者體驗設計,確保產品能夠滿足用戶的需求和期望

【 使用者體驗 】

◼︎ 分析競爭產品,為我們的產品提供差異化優勢

◼︎ 監控設計趨勢,將最新的設計元素融入我們的產品設計

◼︎ 評估各種設計工具,選擇最適合團隊使用的工具

Freelance Designer  •  Nontough Studio

January 2007 - Present

[Web / 網頁]
◼︎ Content planning 網站規劃
◼︎ Wireframe 線框圖
◼︎ Front-end develop 切版
◼︎ Basic JQuery input 基礎的JQuery

[App design / App設計]
◼︎ UI design 介面設計
◼︎ Planning 整體規劃
◼︎ Prototype 介面模擬

◼︎ Visual design 視覺設計
◼︎ Filming 影片拍攝
◼︎ Film editing 影片剪輯
◼︎ Film motion graphics 影片動畫製作
◼︎ Photography 攝影
◼︎ Illustrations 插畫
◼︎ Product design 產品設計
◼︎ Packaging design 包裝設計

視覺創意部 Visual Design Div / 副總監 Deputy Director  •  百商數位科技股份有限公司 MDBS

January 2018 - August 2019

【 Visual Design Division Deputy Director 】

◼︎ Joined in with PM at the early stages of the project, co-working to provide solutions to the task at hand

◼︎ Implement User Experience Concept into the project

----- Enhance Working Flow

  1. Using Apple Keynote’s cloud co-work function, saving time from back and forth emails and documents.
  2. Introduced Invision when developing APP, therefore make it easier to making prototype, communication with PM, handoff assets and page specs to developers
  3. Design a new work flow for Axure RP online function, combining with Invision to gather all the necessary documents into one place 

【 視覺創意部 副總監 】

◼︎ 專案前期與 PM 協作了解需求進⾏簡報與需求討論

◼︎ 推動 UX 的內容導入

----- 流程優化

  1. 導入 keynote 製作簡報結合雲端讓 PM 可同時編輯,節省之間來回的信件與⽂件
  2. 導入 APP 建置使⽤ Invision,由設計上傳圖像並製作 prototypePM 線上溝通調整需求、切圖上傳讓⼯程師⽅便取⽤,Invision 本⾝標記規格功能
  3. 整合 Axure RP 的線上功能,讓檔案可以雲端化並結合 Invision 上的畫面,讓整個團隊所需⽂件整頓到同⼀個地⽅

網頁設計 / Web & App Designer  •  百商數位科技股份有限公司 MDBS

May 2016 - December 2017

【 Website Designer 】

◼︎ Understanding the needs and request for the website, designing the website accordingly 

◼︎ Draw wireframes to get a better understanding of the structure and content of the website

◼︎ Handle the front-end coding of HTML & CSS for the website, making sure the website is precise to the design

【 App Design 】

◼︎ Creating a visual compelling and user friendly user interface

◼︎ Considering user flow and page navigation to have a well working function across the app

◼︎ Making prototypes for our clients and the team to have better understanding of the product

【 網頁設計師 】

◼︎ 網站內容規劃:了解網站或應用程式的目標和需求,並根據這些信息進行網站內容的規劃

◼︎ 線框圖:創建線框圖或佈局草稿,展示網站或應用程式的結構、版面和內容分佈

◼︎ 切版:負責網頁的建制,將設計轉化為 HTML、CSS,確保介面的視覺和功能準確呈現

【 App 設計 】

◼︎ 介⾯設計:創建具有視覺吸引力與方便使用的用戶界面

◼︎ 整體規劃:考慮整體的用戶流程、頁面導航、資訊流和各種功能之間的關係

◼︎ 介⾯模擬:創建介面模擬或原型,讓客戶、用戶或團隊成員可以更好地理解最終產品的外觀和功能

雜誌總編輯 / 視覺設計 Magazine Editor-in-chief / Graphic Designer  •  華人健康網

September 2014 - April 2016

I lead a team of three as the editor-in-chief and design to create "GoHealth Magazine". My job also contains any designs for the website "top1health" & "GoHealth".

公司希望建立紙本雜誌,由我擔任總編輯兼設計,帶領三人的團隊來進行。工作內容除了雜誌製作之外,還包含了網站本身文章的製圖、GoHealth 網站的商品拍攝&影片剪輯、活動「5.1華人健康日 野餐格子聚」的主視覺&banner設計。

[GoHealth Magazine (monthly) 健康報馬仔(月刊)]
◼︎ Decide content directions 內容方向決策
◼︎ Check content flow 審稿
◼︎ Layout design 排版設計
◼︎ Photography 單元攝影
◼︎ Illustrations 內容插畫
◼︎ Print color correction 印刷校色
◼︎ Banner design 設計

[Website 網站]
◼︎ Article picture design 文章製圖
◼︎ Shoot film 影片拍攝
◼︎ Film editing 影片剪輯
◼︎ Film motion graphics 影片動畫製作

設計總監 Design Director  •  SNAPPP MAGAZINE 照玩行動文化事業(照玩雜誌)

December 2010 - June 2014

Cofounded photography focused magazine "SNAPPP". As the design director, I handled magazine’s content planning, layout design, printing quality supervision and build the company’s business SOPs. We had a space for lectures, exhibitions, I also handled setting the events and visual designs. SNAPPP has worked with SHINKONG MITSUKOSHI on the international photo exhibition for 2013 & 2014. Invited photographers like Sean Lotman, Ariko Inaoka and Takeshi Miyamoto. I was in charge of contacting the photographers, key visual for the photographer's exhibition, exhibition planning, photography lectures, product design and also did the translation photographers.

朋友一起創辦了「照玩行動文化事業」出版社,發行了以攝影為主的「SNAPPP照玩雜誌」。在照玩行動文化事業我主要擔任的是設計總監的工作,工作內容從雜誌落版、美術編排設計、印刷業務的接洽到監督印刷品質等都親自執行和公司的營運SOP建立。除了工作室外,也有公司歸屬的展演空間,這個展演空間主要用來舉辦展覽、校園講座、音樂表演等活動,而我也同時負責展覽規劃、協調及視覺形象的設計。2013年及2014年「照玩行動」與新光三越二度合作舉辦了「國際攝影聯展」,邀請了國際攝影大師Sean Lotman、Ariko Inaoka 和 Takeshi Miyamoto 來台舉辦展覽。從連絡邀請開始、展覽的主視覺設計、廣告編排設計、展場的規劃、周邊商品招商、販售區規劃及陳列,攝影師來台時的翻譯等,都是我負責與聯繫的項目。




2004 - 2006



1999 - 2004

Licenses & Certifications

UX Design: 4 Ideation


Issued July 2018 · No Expiration Date


Tom Luo

UI UX lead at Inno Technology

  Taipei City, Taiwan


it's a journey in finding the better & faster solutions to the intricacies of life.


Design Tools

   Illustrator      Photoshop      Sketch      Figma      Invision   



Role : Co-founder / Design Lead

台北轉運站 APP

Role : UI/UX Designer

京站 qsquare APP

Role : UI/UX Designer

雜誌插畫 (CHOC)

Role : Illustrator

Work Experience

UI/UX Design Team Leader  •  Inno Technology

August 2019 - Present

【 Team Leader 】

◼︎ Design workflow for product development, ensuring project will complete on schedule 

◼︎ Design Standard Operating Procedures for the team

◼︎ Actively communicating with departments inside and out, ensuring information and goal are up to date and alined

◼︎ Setting goals for team members future roadmap, individually assisting them accomplish their goals

◼︎ Team building : guiding with Team Core Building, Design Workshop and Long Term Projects

----- Team Core Building

  1. The “Golden Circle” mindset
  2. Team corporations with “Brigade” concept
  3. “Flexibility” with the goal in mind
  4. Designing with “Self Expression” as main goal

----- Design Workshop

  1. Talks on concept and mindset as a designer
  2. Design Better : regular design assignments 

----- Long Term Project 

  1. Build a competitive product analysis library
  2. “Design System Manager” to ensure design language is consistent across different products
  3. “Protopie” software for better prototyping experience

----- Team Management

  1. Use JIRA with monthly label based tracking workload 
  2. Quantify team workload

【 Product Design 】

◼︎ Design user flow for a better user experience

◼︎ Participating with product planning, ensuring the design is consistent with brand style and company goals

◼︎ Designing PC / Mobile / APP user interface

◼︎ Micro-animation Design : enhancing user interaction and interest 

◼︎ Building prototypes : simulation user process 

◼︎ Conducting UI review after the development phase to ensure design consistency and quality

◼︎ User Experience Design : considering the product is up the user expectation and needs

【 User Experience 】

◼︎ Competitor product analysis with pros and cons

◼︎ Following design trends of today and incorporate into our product

◼︎ Keep our tools up to date and switch to maximize efficiency

【 部門主管 】

◼︎ 建立並優化產品開發流程,確保項目按時交付

◼︎ SOP 標準流程建制

◼︎ 積極參與部門內外的溝通,確保項目進展和資訊流通暢

◼︎ 帶領團隊構建長遠發展規劃,並協助成員定義個人職涯目標

◼︎ 引導團隊成員理解和實踐團隊核心價值、設計工作坊、長期設計計畫等相關團隊管理

-----  團隊核心價值

  1. 建立黃金圈思維
  2. 團隊分工協力觀念
  3. 跨部門協作以完成目標的彈性
  4. 自我表達能力

----- 設計工作坊

  1. 分享設計師應該要有的思維與態度
  2. 定期設計訓練營

----- 長期設計計畫

  1. 競品分析圖書館:以長時間為單位去觀察競品的變化
  2. 設計管理系統:以確保產品的設計語彙一致性
  3. Protopie 產品原型設計軟體:以提供更高擬真的原型

----- 團隊管理

  1. 使用 JIRA 標籤追蹤觀察工作量
  2. 每月量化團隊工作狀況以作適度的調整

【 產品設計 】

◼︎ 設計和優化使用者流程,確保使用者在產品中的體驗順暢流暢

◼︎ 參與企劃策略發想,確保產品設計符合品牌理念和企業目標

◼︎ 設計 PC、移動裝置和應用程式的使用者介面

◼︎ 微動畫設計,增強使用者界面的互動性和吸引力

◼︎ 製作使用者介面模擬,模擬使用者在產品中的操作和流程

◼︎ 評估並把關 UI 視覺設計,確保設計風格和品質的一致性

◼︎ 進行使⽤者體驗設計,確保產品能夠滿足用戶的需求和期望

【 使用者體驗 】

◼︎ 分析競爭產品,為我們的產品提供差異化優勢

◼︎ 監控設計趨勢,將最新的設計元素融入我們的產品設計

◼︎ 評估各種設計工具,選擇最適合團隊使用的工具

Freelance Designer  •  Nontough Studio

January 2007 - Present

[Web / 網頁]
◼︎ Content planning 網站規劃
◼︎ Wireframe 線框圖
◼︎ Front-end develop 切版
◼︎ Basic JQuery input 基礎的JQuery

[App design / App設計]
◼︎ UI design 介面設計
◼︎ Planning 整體規劃
◼︎ Prototype 介面模擬

◼︎ Visual design 視覺設計
◼︎ Filming 影片拍攝
◼︎ Film editing 影片剪輯
◼︎ Film motion graphics 影片動畫製作
◼︎ Photography 攝影
◼︎ Illustrations 插畫
◼︎ Product design 產品設計
◼︎ Packaging design 包裝設計

視覺創意部 Visual Design Div / 副總監 Deputy Director  •  百商數位科技股份有限公司 MDBS

January 2018 - August 2019

【 Visual Design Division Deputy Director 】

◼︎ Joined in with PM at the early stages of the project, co-working to provide solutions to the task at hand

◼︎ Implement User Experience Concept into the project

----- Enhance Working Flow

  1. Using Apple Keynote’s cloud co-work function, saving time from back and forth emails and documents.
  2. Introduced Invision when developing APP, therefore make it easier to making prototype, communication with PM, handoff assets and page specs to developers
  3. Design a new work flow for Axure RP online function, combining with Invision to gather all the necessary documents into one place 

【 視覺創意部 副總監 】

◼︎ 專案前期與 PM 協作了解需求進⾏簡報與需求討論

◼︎ 推動 UX 的內容導入

----- 流程優化

  1. 導入 keynote 製作簡報結合雲端讓 PM 可同時編輯,節省之間來回的信件與⽂件
  2. 導入 APP 建置使⽤ Invision,由設計上傳圖像並製作 prototypePM 線上溝通調整需求、切圖上傳讓⼯程師⽅便取⽤,Invision 本⾝標記規格功能
  3. 整合 Axure RP 的線上功能,讓檔案可以雲端化並結合 Invision 上的畫面,讓整個團隊所需⽂件整頓到同⼀個地⽅

網頁設計 / Web & App Designer  •  百商數位科技股份有限公司 MDBS

May 2016 - December 2017

【 Website Designer 】

◼︎ Understanding the needs and request for the website, designing the website accordingly 

◼︎ Draw wireframes to get a better understanding of the structure and content of the website

◼︎ Handle the front-end coding of HTML & CSS for the website, making sure the website is precise to the design

【 App Design 】

◼︎ Creating a visual compelling and user friendly user interface

◼︎ Considering user flow and page navigation to have a well working function across the app

◼︎ Making prototypes for our clients and the team to have better understanding of the product

【 網頁設計師 】

◼︎ 網站內容規劃:了解網站或應用程式的目標和需求,並根據這些信息進行網站內容的規劃

◼︎ 線框圖:創建線框圖或佈局草稿,展示網站或應用程式的結構、版面和內容分佈

◼︎ 切版:負責網頁的建制,將設計轉化為 HTML、CSS,確保介面的視覺和功能準確呈現

【 App 設計 】

◼︎ 介⾯設計:創建具有視覺吸引力與方便使用的用戶界面

◼︎ 整體規劃:考慮整體的用戶流程、頁面導航、資訊流和各種功能之間的關係

◼︎ 介⾯模擬:創建介面模擬或原型,讓客戶、用戶或團隊成員可以更好地理解最終產品的外觀和功能

雜誌總編輯 / 視覺設計 Magazine Editor-in-chief / Graphic Designer  •  華人健康網

September 2014 - April 2016

I lead a team of three as the editor-in-chief and design to create "GoHealth Magazine". My job also contains any designs for the website "top1health" & "GoHealth".

公司希望建立紙本雜誌,由我擔任總編輯兼設計,帶領三人的團隊來進行。工作內容除了雜誌製作之外,還包含了網站本身文章的製圖、GoHealth 網站的商品拍攝&影片剪輯、活動「5.1華人健康日 野餐格子聚」的主視覺&banner設計。

[GoHealth Magazine (monthly) 健康報馬仔(月刊)]
◼︎ Decide content directions 內容方向決策
◼︎ Check content flow 審稿
◼︎ Layout design 排版設計
◼︎ Photography 單元攝影
◼︎ Illustrations 內容插畫
◼︎ Print color correction 印刷校色
◼︎ Banner design 設計

[Website 網站]
◼︎ Article picture design 文章製圖
◼︎ Shoot film 影片拍攝
◼︎ Film editing 影片剪輯
◼︎ Film motion graphics 影片動畫製作

設計總監 Design Director  •  SNAPPP MAGAZINE 照玩行動文化事業(照玩雜誌)

December 2010 - June 2014

Cofounded photography focused magazine "SNAPPP". As the design director, I handled magazine’s content planning, layout design, printing quality supervision and build the company’s business SOPs. We had a space for lectures, exhibitions, I also handled setting the events and visual designs. SNAPPP has worked with SHINKONG MITSUKOSHI on the international photo exhibition for 2013 & 2014. Invited photographers like Sean Lotman, Ariko Inaoka and Takeshi Miyamoto. I was in charge of contacting the photographers, key visual for the photographer's exhibition, exhibition planning, photography lectures, product design and also did the translation photographers.

朋友一起創辦了「照玩行動文化事業」出版社,發行了以攝影為主的「SNAPPP照玩雜誌」。在照玩行動文化事業我主要擔任的是設計總監的工作,工作內容從雜誌落版、美術編排設計、印刷業務的接洽到監督印刷品質等都親自執行和公司的營運SOP建立。除了工作室外,也有公司歸屬的展演空間,這個展演空間主要用來舉辦展覽、校園講座、音樂表演等活動,而我也同時負責展覽規劃、協調及視覺形象的設計。2013年及2014年「照玩行動」與新光三越二度合作舉辦了「國際攝影聯展」,邀請了國際攝影大師Sean Lotman、Ariko Inaoka 和 Takeshi Miyamoto 來台舉辦展覽。從連絡邀請開始、展覽的主視覺設計、廣告編排設計、展場的規劃、周邊商品招商、販售區規劃及陳列,攝影師來台時的翻譯等,都是我負責與聯繫的項目。




2004 - 2006



1999 - 2004

Licenses & Certifications

UX Design: 4 Ideation


Issued July 2018 · No Expiration Date