Search resumes and take the initiative to contact job applicants for higher recruiting efficiency. The Choice of Hundreds of Companies.
Taipei City, Taiwan
it's a journey in finding the better & faster solutions to the intricacies of life.
Illustrator Photoshop Sketch Figma Invision
August 2019 - Present
【 Team Leader 】
◼︎ Design workflow for product development, ensuring project will complete on schedule
◼︎ Design Standard Operating Procedures for the team
◼︎ Actively communicating with departments inside and out, ensuring information and goal are up to date and alined
◼︎ Setting goals for team members future roadmap, individually assisting them accomplish their goals
◼︎ Team building : guiding with Team Core Building, Design Workshop and Long Term Projects
----- Team Core Building
----- Design Workshop
----- Long Term Project
----- Team Management
【 Product Design 】
◼︎ Design user flow for a better user experience
◼︎ Participating with product planning, ensuring the design is consistent with brand style and company goals
◼︎ Designing PC / Mobile / APP user interface
◼︎ Micro-animation Design : enhancing user interaction and interest
◼︎ Building prototypes : simulation user process
◼︎ Conducting UI review after the development phase to ensure design consistency and quality
◼︎ User Experience Design : considering the product is up the user expectation and needs
【 User Experience 】
◼︎ Competitor product analysis with pros and cons
◼︎ Following design trends of today and incorporate into our product
◼︎ Keep our tools up to date and switch to maximize efficiency
【 部門主管 】
◼︎ 建立並優化產品開發流程,確保項目按時交付
◼︎ SOP 標準流程建制
◼︎ 積極參與部門內外的溝通,確保項目進展和資訊流通暢
◼︎ 帶領團隊構建長遠發展規劃,並協助成員定義個人職涯目標
◼︎ 引導團隊成員理解和實踐團隊核心價值、設計工作坊、長期設計計畫等相關團隊管理
----- 團隊核心價值
----- 設計工作坊
----- 長期設計計畫
----- 團隊管理
【 產品設計 】
◼︎ 設計和優化使用者流程,確保使用者在產品中的體驗順暢流暢
◼︎ 參與企劃策略發想,確保產品設計符合品牌理念和企業目標
◼︎ 設計 PC、移動裝置和應用程式的使用者介面
◼︎ 微動畫設計,增強使用者界面的互動性和吸引力
◼︎ 製作使用者介面模擬,模擬使用者在產品中的操作和流程
◼︎ 評估並把關 UI 視覺設計,確保設計風格和品質的一致性
◼︎ 進行使⽤者體驗設計,確保產品能夠滿足用戶的需求和期望
【 使用者體驗 】
◼︎ 分析競爭產品,為我們的產品提供差異化優勢
◼︎ 監控設計趨勢,將最新的設計元素融入我們的產品設計
◼︎ 評估各種設計工具,選擇最適合團隊使用的工具
January 2007 - Present
[Web / 網頁]
◼︎ Content planning 網站規劃
◼︎ Wireframe 線框圖
◼︎ Front-end develop 切版
◼︎ Basic JQuery input 基礎的JQuery
[App design / App設計]
◼︎ UI design 介面設計
◼︎ Planning 整體規劃
◼︎ Prototype 介面模擬
◼︎ Visual design 視覺設計
◼︎ Filming 影片拍攝
◼︎ Film editing 影片剪輯
◼︎ Film motion graphics 影片動畫製作
◼︎ Photography 攝影
◼︎ Illustrations 插畫
◼︎ Product design 產品設計
◼︎ Packaging design 包裝設計
January 2018 - August 2019
【 Visual Design Division Deputy Director 】
◼︎ Joined in with PM at the early stages of the project, co-working to provide solutions to the task at hand
◼︎ Implement User Experience Concept into the project
----- Enhance Working Flow
【 視覺創意部 副總監 】
◼︎ 專案前期與 PM 協作了解需求進⾏簡報與需求討論
◼︎ 推動 UX 的內容導入
----- 流程優化
May 2016 - December 2017
【 Website Designer 】
◼︎ Understanding the needs and request for the website, designing the website accordingly
◼︎ Draw wireframes to get a better understanding of the structure and content of the website
◼︎ Handle the front-end coding of HTML & CSS for the website, making sure the website is precise to the design
【 App Design 】
◼︎ Creating a visual compelling and user friendly user interface
◼︎ Considering user flow and page navigation to have a well working function across the app
◼︎ Making prototypes for our clients and the team to have better understanding of the product
【 網頁設計師 】
◼︎ 網站內容規劃:了解網站或應用程式的目標和需求,並根據這些信息進行網站內容的規劃
◼︎ 線框圖:創建線框圖或佈局草稿,展示網站或應用程式的結構、版面和內容分佈
◼︎ 切版:負責網頁的建制,將設計轉化為 HTML、CSS,確保介面的視覺和功能準確呈現
【 App 設計 】
◼︎ 介⾯設計:創建具有視覺吸引力與方便使用的用戶界面
◼︎ 整體規劃:考慮整體的用戶流程、頁面導航、資訊流和各種功能之間的關係
◼︎ 介⾯模擬:創建介面模擬或原型,讓客戶、用戶或團隊成員可以更好地理解最終產品的外觀和功能
September 2014 - April 2016
I lead a team of three as the editor-in-chief and design to create "GoHealth Magazine". My job also contains any designs for the website "top1health" & "GoHealth".
公司希望建立紙本雜誌,由我擔任總編輯兼設計,帶領三人的團隊來進行。工作內容除了雜誌製作之外,還包含了網站本身文章的製圖、GoHealth 網站的商品拍攝&影片剪輯、活動「5.1華人健康日 野餐格子聚」的主視覺&banner設計。
[GoHealth Magazine (monthly) 健康報馬仔(月刊)]
◼︎ Decide content directions 內容方向決策
◼︎ Check content flow 審稿
◼︎ Layout design 排版設計
◼︎ Photography 單元攝影
◼︎ Illustrations 內容插畫
◼︎ Print color correction 印刷校色
◼︎ Banner design 設計
[Website 網站]
◼︎ Article picture design 文章製圖
◼︎ Shoot film 影片拍攝
◼︎ Film editing 影片剪輯
◼︎ Film motion graphics 影片動畫製作
December 2010 - June 2014
Cofounded photography focused magazine "SNAPPP". As the design director, I handled magazine’s content planning, layout design, printing quality supervision and build the company’s business SOPs. We had a space for lectures, exhibitions, I also handled setting the events and visual designs. SNAPPP has worked with SHINKONG MITSUKOSHI on the international photo exhibition for 2013 & 2014. Invited photographers like Sean Lotman, Ariko Inaoka and Takeshi Miyamoto. I was in charge of contacting the photographers, key visual for the photographer's exhibition, exhibition planning, photography lectures, product design and also did the translation photographers.
朋友一起創辦了「照玩行動文化事業」出版社,發行了以攝影為主的「SNAPPP照玩雜誌」。在照玩行動文化事業我主要擔任的是設計總監的工作,工作內容從雜誌落版、美術編排設計、印刷業務的接洽到監督印刷品質等都親自執行和公司的營運SOP建立。除了工作室外,也有公司歸屬的展演空間,這個展演空間主要用來舉辦展覽、校園講座、音樂表演等活動,而我也同時負責展覽規劃、協調及視覺形象的設計。2013年及2014年「照玩行動」與新光三越二度合作舉辦了「國際攝影聯展」,邀請了國際攝影大師Sean Lotman、Ariko Inaoka 和 Takeshi Miyamoto 來台舉辦展覽。從連絡邀請開始、展覽的主視覺設計、廣告編排設計、展場的規劃、周邊商品招商、販售區規劃及陳列,攝影師來台時的翻譯等,都是我負責與聯繫的項目。
2004 - 2006
1999 - 2004
Issued July 2018 · No Expiration Date
Taipei City, Taiwan
it's a journey in finding the better & faster solutions to the intricacies of life.
Illustrator Photoshop Sketch Figma Invision
August 2019 - Present
【 Team Leader 】
◼︎ Design workflow for product development, ensuring project will complete on schedule
◼︎ Design Standard Operating Procedures for the team
◼︎ Actively communicating with departments inside and out, ensuring information and goal are up to date and alined
◼︎ Setting goals for team members future roadmap, individually assisting them accomplish their goals
◼︎ Team building : guiding with Team Core Building, Design Workshop and Long Term Projects
----- Team Core Building
----- Design Workshop
----- Long Term Project
----- Team Management
【 Product Design 】
◼︎ Design user flow for a better user experience
◼︎ Participating with product planning, ensuring the design is consistent with brand style and company goals
◼︎ Designing PC / Mobile / APP user interface
◼︎ Micro-animation Design : enhancing user interaction and interest
◼︎ Building prototypes : simulation user process
◼︎ Conducting UI review after the development phase to ensure design consistency and quality
◼︎ User Experience Design : considering the product is up the user expectation and needs
【 User Experience 】
◼︎ Competitor product analysis with pros and cons
◼︎ Following design trends of today and incorporate into our product
◼︎ Keep our tools up to date and switch to maximize efficiency
【 部門主管 】
◼︎ 建立並優化產品開發流程,確保項目按時交付
◼︎ SOP 標準流程建制
◼︎ 積極參與部門內外的溝通,確保項目進展和資訊流通暢
◼︎ 帶領團隊構建長遠發展規劃,並協助成員定義個人職涯目標
◼︎ 引導團隊成員理解和實踐團隊核心價值、設計工作坊、長期設計計畫等相關團隊管理
----- 團隊核心價值
----- 設計工作坊
----- 長期設計計畫
----- 團隊管理
【 產品設計 】
◼︎ 設計和優化使用者流程,確保使用者在產品中的體驗順暢流暢
◼︎ 參與企劃策略發想,確保產品設計符合品牌理念和企業目標
◼︎ 設計 PC、移動裝置和應用程式的使用者介面
◼︎ 微動畫設計,增強使用者界面的互動性和吸引力
◼︎ 製作使用者介面模擬,模擬使用者在產品中的操作和流程
◼︎ 評估並把關 UI 視覺設計,確保設計風格和品質的一致性
◼︎ 進行使⽤者體驗設計,確保產品能夠滿足用戶的需求和期望
【 使用者體驗 】
◼︎ 分析競爭產品,為我們的產品提供差異化優勢
◼︎ 監控設計趨勢,將最新的設計元素融入我們的產品設計
◼︎ 評估各種設計工具,選擇最適合團隊使用的工具
January 2007 - Present
[Web / 網頁]
◼︎ Content planning 網站規劃
◼︎ Wireframe 線框圖
◼︎ Front-end develop 切版
◼︎ Basic JQuery input 基礎的JQuery
[App design / App設計]
◼︎ UI design 介面設計
◼︎ Planning 整體規劃
◼︎ Prototype 介面模擬
◼︎ Visual design 視覺設計
◼︎ Filming 影片拍攝
◼︎ Film editing 影片剪輯
◼︎ Film motion graphics 影片動畫製作
◼︎ Photography 攝影
◼︎ Illustrations 插畫
◼︎ Product design 產品設計
◼︎ Packaging design 包裝設計
January 2018 - August 2019
【 Visual Design Division Deputy Director 】
◼︎ Joined in with PM at the early stages of the project, co-working to provide solutions to the task at hand
◼︎ Implement User Experience Concept into the project
----- Enhance Working Flow
【 視覺創意部 副總監 】
◼︎ 專案前期與 PM 協作了解需求進⾏簡報與需求討論
◼︎ 推動 UX 的內容導入
----- 流程優化
May 2016 - December 2017
【 Website Designer 】
◼︎ Understanding the needs and request for the website, designing the website accordingly
◼︎ Draw wireframes to get a better understanding of the structure and content of the website
◼︎ Handle the front-end coding of HTML & CSS for the website, making sure the website is precise to the design
【 App Design 】
◼︎ Creating a visual compelling and user friendly user interface
◼︎ Considering user flow and page navigation to have a well working function across the app
◼︎ Making prototypes for our clients and the team to have better understanding of the product
【 網頁設計師 】
◼︎ 網站內容規劃:了解網站或應用程式的目標和需求,並根據這些信息進行網站內容的規劃
◼︎ 線框圖:創建線框圖或佈局草稿,展示網站或應用程式的結構、版面和內容分佈
◼︎ 切版:負責網頁的建制,將設計轉化為 HTML、CSS,確保介面的視覺和功能準確呈現
【 App 設計 】
◼︎ 介⾯設計:創建具有視覺吸引力與方便使用的用戶界面
◼︎ 整體規劃:考慮整體的用戶流程、頁面導航、資訊流和各種功能之間的關係
◼︎ 介⾯模擬:創建介面模擬或原型,讓客戶、用戶或團隊成員可以更好地理解最終產品的外觀和功能
September 2014 - April 2016
I lead a team of three as the editor-in-chief and design to create "GoHealth Magazine". My job also contains any designs for the website "top1health" & "GoHealth".
公司希望建立紙本雜誌,由我擔任總編輯兼設計,帶領三人的團隊來進行。工作內容除了雜誌製作之外,還包含了網站本身文章的製圖、GoHealth 網站的商品拍攝&影片剪輯、活動「5.1華人健康日 野餐格子聚」的主視覺&banner設計。
[GoHealth Magazine (monthly) 健康報馬仔(月刊)]
◼︎ Decide content directions 內容方向決策
◼︎ Check content flow 審稿
◼︎ Layout design 排版設計
◼︎ Photography 單元攝影
◼︎ Illustrations 內容插畫
◼︎ Print color correction 印刷校色
◼︎ Banner design 設計
[Website 網站]
◼︎ Article picture design 文章製圖
◼︎ Shoot film 影片拍攝
◼︎ Film editing 影片剪輯
◼︎ Film motion graphics 影片動畫製作
December 2010 - June 2014
Cofounded photography focused magazine "SNAPPP". As the design director, I handled magazine’s content planning, layout design, printing quality supervision and build the company’s business SOPs. We had a space for lectures, exhibitions, I also handled setting the events and visual designs. SNAPPP has worked with SHINKONG MITSUKOSHI on the international photo exhibition for 2013 & 2014. Invited photographers like Sean Lotman, Ariko Inaoka and Takeshi Miyamoto. I was in charge of contacting the photographers, key visual for the photographer's exhibition, exhibition planning, photography lectures, product design and also did the translation photographers.
朋友一起創辦了「照玩行動文化事業」出版社,發行了以攝影為主的「SNAPPP照玩雜誌」。在照玩行動文化事業我主要擔任的是設計總監的工作,工作內容從雜誌落版、美術編排設計、印刷業務的接洽到監督印刷品質等都親自執行和公司的營運SOP建立。除了工作室外,也有公司歸屬的展演空間,這個展演空間主要用來舉辦展覽、校園講座、音樂表演等活動,而我也同時負責展覽規劃、協調及視覺形象的設計。2013年及2014年「照玩行動」與新光三越二度合作舉辦了「國際攝影聯展」,邀請了國際攝影大師Sean Lotman、Ariko Inaoka 和 Takeshi Miyamoto 來台舉辦展覽。從連絡邀請開始、展覽的主視覺設計、廣告編排設計、展場的規劃、周邊商品招商、販售區規劃及陳列,攝影師來台時的翻譯等,都是我負責與聯繫的項目。
2004 - 2006
1999 - 2004
Issued July 2018 · No Expiration Date