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Cake Talent Search

Avatar of Jorge.
Avatar of Jorge.
Senior PM @SetNet 技術顧問公司
2019 ~ Present
Within one month
行評估。推動營運轉型 和數位化變革,以提高效率、安全性和服務品質。除了確保公司 24 小時營運順暢,期 間也協助公司執行 ERP、CRM、網路、電信等世界級方案。 執行及成果 • 透過協商定價和費用,同時確保服務的連續性及增強,將網路、VoIP、電話和列印服 務
Lean Six Sigma
Microsoft Project
Ready to interview
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
10-15 years
Gabriela Mistral University
International Business
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Project Manager; Project coordinator expert
More than one year
Open to opportunities
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
10-15 years
Uniwersytet Wrocławski
Classical Philology
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Financial Planner
More than one year
Cost Analysis
Open to opportunities
United Kingdom
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
10-15 years
University of Warwick
Economics and Finance
Avatar of 江漢龍.
More than one year
江漢龍 資深系統架構師 • Taipei,TW • [email protected] 專長 產物保險業務員、人身保險業務員、投資型保險商品業務員、LOMA (美國壽險協會)中FLMI(美國壽險管理師),科目:280(保險原理)、290(保險公司的營運)、301(保險行政業務管理) 證照 CNE、MCSE、MCP、MCSA、MCSD for .NET、MCDBA、MCAD、NNCSE、TCSE、人壽保險管理
ERP Implementation Project Management
Open to opportunities
Part-time / Remote Only
More than 15 years
Avatar of Christopher Rivers.
Business Architect, Scrum Master, or Director of Development/Continuous Improvement
More than one year
enhancements to the CRM/ERP application to fix defects, improve performance, and increase functionality for users • Created new department in Rollins, Inc. for resource planning and optimization of technician’s routes to reduce drive time, drive miles, fuel consumption, and likelihood of accidents • Lead full life cycle of project to change optimization algorithm to new vendor, including vendor discovery, implementation, pilot, and full roll-out which reduced drive miles by approximately 440,000 per month, saving 11,000 hours of drive-time per month. • Realized savings of approximately $1.2 million per month on the routing
ERP Implementation Project Management
Open to opportunities
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
Georgia Institute of Technology
Industrial Engineering
Avatar of 李原誠.
Avatar of 李原誠.
Category Manager @寶成國際集團
2020 ~ Present
Within one month
李原誠 - Vincent Li 寶成集團 – Nike開發部門 我於Nike事業部擔任型體承接管理職,擁有4年品質保證及5年產品開發的經驗,於2020年轉任型體承接。主要負責管理產品開發時程,確保生產符合PCC(產品創建中心)流程。此外,我也與當地Nike合作夥伴協作,確保產
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
Avatar of 呂建樺.
Avatar of 呂建樺.
業務經理 @華南永昌綜合證券股份有限公司
2024 ~ Present
Within six months
業務。 網站行銷企劃 | 職業軍人 | 銀行員|營業員 銘傳大學 / 財務金融研究所[email protected] 專業技能與特質 電腦能力 Microsoft Office 鼎新ERP配銷系統 TEJ資料庫 Windows Movie Maker Powerdirector 財務及統計基礎 統計學 財務報表分析 投資學 R SPSS 職能向度 工作導向(PR100) 創新求變(PR99) 主動
Not open to opportunities
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
Avatar of William Liu.
Avatar of William Liu.
Design Coordinator @Apple Inc.
2022 ~ Present
Product Manager
More than one year
International design projects coordination JanAug 2022 Head of Project Management Ultra Combos Co., Ltd. / Taipei, Taiwan Builds mechanisms to monitor and optimize projects' and company's operation conditions. Make changes against conventional behaviors. Aligns PMs' goal and objective with company's interest. DecJan 2022 Project Manager Ultra Combos Co., Ltd. / Taipei, Taiwan A digital interactive design team from a group of software engineers to a cohort of professionals from various disciplines to provide digital experience solutions to the clients and their customers. Defines the project scope, manages risk and timeline
Project Management
Team Management
Full-time / Not interested in working remotely
6-10 years
國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University
Drama and Theatre
Avatar of the user.
Supply Chain Manager / Project Manager
More than one year
ERP Implementation Project Management
Full-time / Not interested in working remotely
10-15 years
Cranfield University
Supply Chain Management
Avatar of Fiona 陳郁欣.
Avatar of Fiona 陳郁欣.
商業開發Business Development @匯雲數位股份有限公司
2021 ~ Present
Within one month
供企業客戶系統導入建議。 異業合作,整合內外部資源以利提供企業客戶完整方案。 觀察、瞭解客戶偏好,提供軟體優化建議。 ERP系統導入 ERP系統軟體導入評估,上線規劃及執行。 企業客戶現場作業流程建議。 軟體操作說明及教育訓練。 評估企業客戶
B2B Marketing
Account Management
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
10-15 years
國立台北科技大學 NTUT

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More than one year
Design Coordinator
Logo of Apple Inc..
Apple Inc.
2022 ~ Present
Taipei, Taiwan
Professional Background
Current status
Job Search Progress
Project / Product Management
Fields of Employment
Work experience
6-10 years
I've had experience in managing 10-15 people
Project Management
Team Management
Stakeholder Management
Problem Solving
Systematic Thinking
Design Thinking
User Experience
Agile Project Management
problem solving
Data Analysis
ERP Implementation Project Management
Vendor Management
Budget Management
client management
Scope Planning
Native or Bilingual
Job search preferences
Product Manager
Job types
Cupertino, CA, USA, Melones, CA, USA, Mountain View, CA, USA, London, UK, Singapore, Taiwan, New York, NY, USA, Netherlands, Seattle, WA, USA
Not interested in working remotely
國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University
Drama and Theatre

William Liu

Design Coordinator


[email protected]


open to relocation

Having fun in finding out the bottlenecks in the process and making improvements.

8+ years of experience in project management, stakeholder communications, strategy and framework planning.

Delivered 30+ multimedia, interactive projects with budget accountability up to NTD$ 35 Million/project.

Proven leadership aptitude in collaborating with software engineers, technicians, designers, creative directors and artists, inter-professional vendors and multinational teams to deliver exceptional digital experience to various clients.

Curious about the rules in the systems and how the people are motivated, by knowing so, find the leverage point to move things forward.

Work Experience

Aug 2022 - present 

Design Coordinator Apple / Taipei, Taiwan 

  • Redesigned cross-function workflow which involves
    -Conducting stakeholders interview
    -Building automation
    -Data analysis
  • International design projects coordination 

Jan 2022 - Aug 2022 

Head of Project Management Ultra Combos Co., Ltd. / Taipei, Taiwan 

  • Builds mechanisms to monitor and optimize projects' and company's operation conditions.
  • Make changes against conventional behaviors.
  • Aligns PMs' goal and objective with company's interest.

Dec 2014 - Jan 2022 

Project Manager Ultra Combos Co., Ltd. / Taipei, Taiwan 

A digital interactive design team from a group of software engineers  to a cohort of professionals from various disciplines to provide digital experience solutions to the clients and their customers.

  • Defines the project scope, manages risk and timeline, acquires resources and negotiates budget.
  • Breaks down the project and evaluates talents and teams internally and externally according to the project requirement to achieve both efficiency and profitability.
  • Analyzes the information from clients through observation, interviews and research to empathize with the clients and audience to deliver precise outcomes.
  • Communicates the context and clarifies the responsibilities so the team knows what's the must and how to achieve greater success.

Key Achievement

  • Generated more than 6 million YouTube views on the digital art production "Streaming", at 30th Golden Melody Awards (GMA, the largest music awards in Chinese-speaking world), which was more than twice as the highest streamed video of GMA’s official YouTube channel. #webscraping #opticalflow

  • Achieved over 1 million visits on "0-3886" project, one of our most asked showcase in Discovery Pavilion, Taichung World Flora Exposition, by defining the user journey and composing accordingly.  ref.1 ref.2.

  • Reached 5,000 audiences each day by designing the digital and interactive project "T1 The Terminal, Taiwan Design Expo 2020". The vice president Lai Ching-te said "It is the best Design Expo ever." #ar #ai #yolo

  • Accountable for largest scale and most complex deal of the company, collaborated with teams and individuals from various fields to complete the digital experience design at Giant Cycling Culture Museum #ar #ugc #vr

  • Delivered Gogoro Viva Mix Launching project, which was highly appreciated by the Gogoro CEO. We started a new project right after.

  • Brought "40 Hz" to Chimei Museum, "Taiwan Tech Star Opening Show" to CES, Las Vegas and "Second Body" to Europe and Russia. Motivated the team members by communicating the context of the projects, showing them that they are making differences.

May 2012 - Sep 2013 

Project Manager / Designer  Big Bright Room Co. 

Big Bright Room is dedicated to space narration design, such as exhibitions, shows, theatres and many others including those integrating dance, dramas, videos and space.

  • Managed a number of projects varying in scope, budget, timeline and requirement.

  • Coordinated with vendors and professionals from various fields.

2008 - 2012 

Artist and freelance theatre and exhibition designer / crew 

  • Supported theater design for local and international shows and plays.

  • Curated "Farewell to a Building: the DongDongGuan Project", a landscape art and a historical building preservation project from draft to craft.



National Taiwan University 

B.A. of Drama and Theatre 


Swanville Public School, MN, USA 



  • Data Analysis
  • Systematic Thinking
  • Design Thinking
  • Vendor Management
  • Budget Planning
  • Negotiation

  • Chinese
  • English

William Liu

Design Coordinator


[email protected]


open to relocation

Having fun in finding out the bottlenecks in the process and making improvements.

8+ years of experience in project management, stakeholder communications, strategy and framework planning.

Delivered 30+ multimedia, interactive projects with budget accountability up to NTD$ 35 Million/project.

Proven leadership aptitude in collaborating with software engineers, technicians, designers, creative directors and artists, inter-professional vendors and multinational teams to deliver exceptional digital experience to various clients.

Curious about the rules in the systems and how the people are motivated, by knowing so, find the leverage point to move things forward.

Work Experience

Aug 2022 - present 

Design Coordinator Apple / Taipei, Taiwan 

  • Redesigned cross-function workflow which involves
    -Conducting stakeholders interview
    -Building automation
    -Data analysis
  • International design projects coordination 

Jan 2022 - Aug 2022 

Head of Project Management Ultra Combos Co., Ltd. / Taipei, Taiwan 

  • Builds mechanisms to monitor and optimize projects' and company's operation conditions.
  • Make changes against conventional behaviors.
  • Aligns PMs' goal and objective with company's interest.

Dec 2014 - Jan 2022 

Project Manager Ultra Combos Co., Ltd. / Taipei, Taiwan 

A digital interactive design team from a group of software engineers  to a cohort of professionals from various disciplines to provide digital experience solutions to the clients and their customers.

  • Defines the project scope, manages risk and timeline, acquires resources and negotiates budget.
  • Breaks down the project and evaluates talents and teams internally and externally according to the project requirement to achieve both efficiency and profitability.
  • Analyzes the information from clients through observation, interviews and research to empathize with the clients and audience to deliver precise outcomes.
  • Communicates the context and clarifies the responsibilities so the team knows what's the must and how to achieve greater success.

Key Achievement

  • Generated more than 6 million YouTube views on the digital art production "Streaming", at 30th Golden Melody Awards (GMA, the largest music awards in Chinese-speaking world), which was more than twice as the highest streamed video of GMA’s official YouTube channel. #webscraping #opticalflow

  • Achieved over 1 million visits on "0-3886" project, one of our most asked showcase in Discovery Pavilion, Taichung World Flora Exposition, by defining the user journey and composing accordingly.  ref.1 ref.2.

  • Reached 5,000 audiences each day by designing the digital and interactive project "T1 The Terminal, Taiwan Design Expo 2020". The vice president Lai Ching-te said "It is the best Design Expo ever." #ar #ai #yolo

  • Accountable for largest scale and most complex deal of the company, collaborated with teams and individuals from various fields to complete the digital experience design at Giant Cycling Culture Museum #ar #ugc #vr

  • Delivered Gogoro Viva Mix Launching project, which was highly appreciated by the Gogoro CEO. We started a new project right after.

  • Brought "40 Hz" to Chimei Museum, "Taiwan Tech Star Opening Show" to CES, Las Vegas and "Second Body" to Europe and Russia. Motivated the team members by communicating the context of the projects, showing them that they are making differences.

May 2012 - Sep 2013 

Project Manager / Designer  Big Bright Room Co. 

Big Bright Room is dedicated to space narration design, such as exhibitions, shows, theatres and many others including those integrating dance, dramas, videos and space.

  • Managed a number of projects varying in scope, budget, timeline and requirement.

  • Coordinated with vendors and professionals from various fields.

2008 - 2012 

Artist and freelance theatre and exhibition designer / crew 

  • Supported theater design for local and international shows and plays.

  • Curated "Farewell to a Building: the DongDongGuan Project", a landscape art and a historical building preservation project from draft to craft.



National Taiwan University 

B.A. of Drama and Theatre 


Swanville Public School, MN, USA 



  • Data Analysis
  • Systematic Thinking
  • Design Thinking
  • Vendor Management
  • Budget Planning
  • Negotiation

  • Chinese
  • English