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Avatar of Eka Sufiatna.
Avatar of Eka Sufiatna.
IT Application Consultant & Compliance @PT Tanjungenim Lestari Pulp and Paper
2024 ~ Present
Application Engineer/ Solution Engineer/ Technical Consultant
Within one month
Eka Sufiatna Programmer | Database Administrator | System Analyst | ERP Developer | Project Management Kota Palembang, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia Experienced Information Technology Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the mining. Skilled in Business Process, Risk Assessment, Management, Project Management, and ERP Products. Strong information technology professional with a Diploma focused in Ilmu Komputer dan Informasi from Universitas Bina Darma Palembang. Pengalaman Kerja OktoberPresent IT Application Consultant & Compliance PT Tanjungenim Lestari Pulp and Paper Give and share knowledge to user related solution and new improvement for business development. And keep comply with company and government regulations. DesemberOktober
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
More than 15 years
SMUN 9 Palembang
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Lead DBA / DBA Manager @Deel
2023 ~ Present
Lead DBA, DBA Manager, Database Architect, Director Of Data Services, Data Architect
Within one month
Database Administration
System Architecture
MySQL / Mariadb
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
10-15 years
Institute of Engineering & Technology -Lucknow,India
Computer Science
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襄理(內勤) @國泰人壽保險股份有限公司
2021 ~ Present
Data Engineer 數據工程師 / Data Analyst 數據分析師 / Infra Engineer 架構工程師 / Consultant 顧問 / DBA 資料庫管理員
Within one month
Project Management
Project Planning
Proposal Writing
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
ESC Rennes School of Business
Digital Marketing and Communication
Avatar of 蔡麗婷.
Avatar of 蔡麗婷.
Senior QA Engineer @Advantech 研華科技
2024 ~ 2024
QA automation engineer / Software development engineer in test
Within one month
Automation Testing: playwright + cucumber (BDD) Backend: Solid knowledge of backend programming, such as Golang, Python. Frontend: HTML/CSS DevOps: Linux ShellScript, Ansible ERP: SAP ABAP R/3 Applications & Software Familiar with RESTful APIs development Hands on Container solutions. (Docker, Kubernetes) General Knowledge common databases with database design knowledge and proficiency in SQL language. Involved in Scrum development process (with JIRA) and CI/CD automation in the AWS cloud. Test report management: TestRail Soft Skills Sensitive with software quality defect Good teamwork and problem-solving skill. familar with application Miro, Figma Excellent
Oracle Database
Project Management
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
國立清華大學 National Tsing Hua University
Technology Managrment
Avatar of 曾信傑.
Avatar of 曾信傑.
SRE @書亞集成股份有限公司
2019 ~ Present
後端工程師 / 主管
Within one month
曾信傑 SRE 兼任後端工程師,也是 Modern PHP 的開發者,致力於開發易維護性的程式碼。喜好從商業、法規端探討工程開發,不以技術相輕工程師, 認為工程技術僅是完成產品的其中一哩路,往前至商業甚至法律面,往後至數據分析都略有涉略,除了技術面
MySQL database design
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
Avatar of ChingJui Wu.
Avatar of ChingJui Wu.
軟體工程師 @Atome Taiwan_新加坡商輕鬆享股份有限公司台灣分公司
2021 ~ 2023
Within one month
database schema and business sequence flow 4. Main subject in KYC, Order, etc. modules 5. On-call based a week / two months to solved the production problems HKtv Mall Software Developer, Taipei City - Jan~ MayAnalyzed the specification and implemented the functions. 2. Designed the database schema. 3. Maintenance the old system. 4. Used in container-based 104資訊 Software Developer, New Taipei City - Dec~ AugAnalyzed the specification and discuss with PM. 2. Planned the outline of the project's functions and the work flow. 3.
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Full-time / Not interested in working remotely
4-6 years
Avatar of 杜旻寰.
Avatar of 杜旻寰.
Software developer manager @Winka
2022 ~ Present
Software Engineer / Backend Engineer
Within one month
edge solutions. 九月十月 2022 Taipei, Taiwan RD Leader StarTech Led requirement analysis, work distribution, and progress tracking across multiple projects. Collaborated with the PM and infrastructure teams to ensure smooth coordination. Modernized legacy projects by implementing .NET Core and introduced Redis to enhance database performance. Set up ELK for log collection and monitoring, ensuring better system reliability. Spearheaded code consistency initiatives by establishing GitFlow and project templates. Achieved significant optimizations: Improved third-party vendor transaction speed by over 12,000%. Increased lottery draw processing speed by 6,000%.
.net mvc
.net core
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
10-15 years
Avatar of 丁紀中.
Avatar of 丁紀中.
資深前端工程師 @瑪黑家居選物股份有限公司
2024 ~ 2024
Within one month
躍科技股份有限公司 九月十月 2015 處理影音內容,包括圖片的製作和修改,部分產品開發。 學歷 實踐大學(Shih Chien University) 資訊模擬與設計學系技能 ReactJS VueJS Github Visual Studio Code Visual Studio C# .NET Core .NET Framework WebAPI SQL Server Oracle Database IIS Server Photoshop Illustrator HTML CSS JavaScript TypeScript ASP.NET WebSocket Element UI Bootstrap Echart.js 語言 English — 進階
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
實踐大學(Shih Chien University)
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Avatar of the user.
PO @萬博斯科技股份有限公司
2023 ~ Present
Within one month
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
10-15 years
Avatar of 王文祥.
Avatar of 王文祥.
經理 @鴻博資訊有限公司
2015 ~ Present
Within one month ) Electrical Engineering •Blog Abnormal liquid injection during coating process Measusre Paper Size YOLOn8 Object Count Calculate distance Sand and gravel ratio detection Docker React-Native Skills Python, AOI, MES, EAP C++, C# Linux, Windows, Docker, Database Node.js, React-Native, React, Node-RED Language Chinese — Native Language English — Technical Document Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing Machine Learning and Deep Learning Full Stack Development MES and EAP Experience C++ Parking charging system : I developed the charging system that runs on Linux OS by using
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Full-time / Remote Only
10-15 years

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Within three months
Supervisor HR
Logo of PT. Kimia Farma Apotek.
PT. Kimia Farma Apotek
2015 ~ 2024
Kotamadya Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta, Indonesia
Professional Background
Current status
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Labor and Management, Performance Evaluation, Salary, Compensation
Fields of Employment
Health, Public Administration, Manufacturing
Work experience
6-10 years
Audit Management
Benefit Analysis
Data Analyst with Ms.Excel
Employee Relations
HRIS Database Management
HRIS Implementation
Project Management
Reporting & Analysis
Decision Making
Interpersonal Skills
Problem Solving
Strategic Planning
Team Management
Time Management
Job search preferences
Human Resources
Job types
Interested in working remotely
Yes, I'm currently a full-time freelancer
Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
Teknik Informatika

yudhistira yogavacara

Supervisor HR

  Kotamadya Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta, Indonesia

As an experienced HR Specialist in Indonesia's largest pharmaceutical health retail industry for 9 years, i have developed a deep understanding of the complexities and demands of human resource management in a fast-paced, highly regulated environment. 

I involves not only managing talent acquisition and retention but also ensuring that the workforce is aligned with the company's goals and regulatory requirements, especially in a sector where compliance and precision are crucial. 

I have expertise in developing and implementing HR policies that support employee growth, well-being, and productivity. By leveraging data-driven insights, you've helped streamline HR processes, optimize workforce performance, and contribute to the overall success of the company. 

As a seasoned HR professional also involves acting as a bridge between management and employees, ensuring smooth communication, resolving conflicts, and maintaining employee engagement. 

My strategic approach has supported the company's growth and expansion, making a key player in shaping a motivated and high-performing workforce 

Pengalaman Kerja

Supervisor Human Resource  •  PT. Kimia Farma Apotek

Januari 2015 - Agustus 2024

1. I manage data for over 6,500 employees using systems such as SAP HCM (Human Capital Management), SAP Success Factor (Management KPI, Create, Monitoring and Develope Organzation KPI untuk they have goal setting - performance appraisal in end year) Microsoft Excel, HRIS System Database.

2. Monitoring Administration of BPJS Kesehatan, Ketenagakerjaan & Mandiri Inhealth insurance registration, update and non active for employee and their family member and implementing procedurs.

3. Explain the rules regarding UUCK for contract employee whoose work periode finish , to be given UUCK compensation

4. Make and prepare regular payments based on company rules as stated in the company Regulations or PKB (Perjanjian Kerja Bersama) and Payroll either every month or every year, namely employee allowances and employee incentives (THR, annual bonus, performance allowance, position allowance, vehicle allowance, recidence allowance, communication allowance.

5. Human Support Management (absence, leave, leave maternity, overtime, employee warning) and other supporting tools.

Checker Warehouse  •  PT.Indolakto

Juni 2012 - Desember 2014

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.


Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

Teknik Informatika

2013 - 2017


   Audit Management      Benefit Analysis      Compentation      Data Analyst with Ms.Excel      Engagement      Employee Relations      HRIS Database Management      HRIS Implementation      Project Management      Reporting & Analysis      Decision Making      Innovation      Leadership      Interpersonal Skills      Problem Solving      Prioritization      Strategic Planning      Team Management      Time Management   


   Indonesian — Lancar      English — Menengah   


yudhistira yogavacara

Supervisor HR

  Kotamadya Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta, Indonesia

As an experienced HR Specialist in Indonesia's largest pharmaceutical health retail industry for 9 years, i have developed a deep understanding of the complexities and demands of human resource management in a fast-paced, highly regulated environment. 

I involves not only managing talent acquisition and retention but also ensuring that the workforce is aligned with the company's goals and regulatory requirements, especially in a sector where compliance and precision are crucial. 

I have expertise in developing and implementing HR policies that support employee growth, well-being, and productivity. By leveraging data-driven insights, you've helped streamline HR processes, optimize workforce performance, and contribute to the overall success of the company. 

As a seasoned HR professional also involves acting as a bridge between management and employees, ensuring smooth communication, resolving conflicts, and maintaining employee engagement. 

My strategic approach has supported the company's growth and expansion, making a key player in shaping a motivated and high-performing workforce 

Pengalaman Kerja

Supervisor Human Resource  •  PT. Kimia Farma Apotek

Januari 2015 - Agustus 2024

1. I manage data for over 6,500 employees using systems such as SAP HCM (Human Capital Management), SAP Success Factor (Management KPI, Create, Monitoring and Develope Organzation KPI untuk they have goal setting - performance appraisal in end year) Microsoft Excel, HRIS System Database.

2. Monitoring Administration of BPJS Kesehatan, Ketenagakerjaan & Mandiri Inhealth insurance registration, update and non active for employee and their family member and implementing procedurs.

3. Explain the rules regarding UUCK for contract employee whoose work periode finish , to be given UUCK compensation

4. Make and prepare regular payments based on company rules as stated in the company Regulations or PKB (Perjanjian Kerja Bersama) and Payroll either every month or every year, namely employee allowances and employee incentives (THR, annual bonus, performance allowance, position allowance, vehicle allowance, recidence allowance, communication allowance.

5. Human Support Management (absence, leave, leave maternity, overtime, employee warning) and other supporting tools.

Checker Warehouse  •  PT.Indolakto

Juni 2012 - Desember 2014

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.


Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

Teknik Informatika

2013 - 2017


   Audit Management      Benefit Analysis      Compentation      Data Analyst with Ms.Excel      Engagement      Employee Relations      HRIS Database Management      HRIS Implementation      Project Management      Reporting & Analysis      Decision Making      Innovation      Leadership      Interpersonal Skills      Problem Solving      Prioritization      Strategic Planning      Team Management      Time Management   


   Indonesian — Lancar      English — Menengah