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Avatar of Johan Abednego.
Avatar of Johan Abednego.
System Administrator @Bandung Theological Seminary
2013 ~ Present
DevOps Engineer
Within one month
Designed and developed hybrid classroom with live streaming technologies, enabling simultaneous in-person and online instruction using touch sensor glassboard and motion tracking camera for interactive online learning experience. Designed and developed multifunctional hall equipped with videotron LED screens, advanced audio systems, and live streaming capabilities. FebruaryPresent Network Engineer & Administrator Bandung Theological Seminary Maintain network performance and troubleshooting issues to minimize downtime of servers - client connectivity and implementing backup and disaster recovery solutions for ensuring the optimal server and client uptime connection. Set up and configured IIS, Linux servers, ESXI VMWare Virtualization, ensuring optimal ...
Adobe Photoshop
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
10-15 years
Institut Teknologi Harapan Bangsa
Computer Science
Avatar of 黃秋榮.
Avatar of 黃秋榮.
資深軟體工程師 @大極科技有限公司
2022 ~ 2024
Within one month
台與支付系統,提升用戶支付成功率至 95% 以上,並優化訂單處理效率 30%。 資深後端工程師 城市,TW [email protected] 技能 golang、php、JavaScript、css、Linux、Docker、Phalcon Framework、CodeIgniter Framework、Laravel Framework、JAVA、mysql、Windows、jquery、Nodejs、Git、Svn 工作經歷 大極科技有限公司, 資深軟體工程師, Jul 2022 ~ Sep 2024 • 優化後端系統穩定性,監控伺
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
10-15 years
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Engineer @SpaQall
Senior Devops SRE Engineer, Manager
Within one month
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
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Go Backend Engineer @One Step Technology Ltd. Co.
2023 ~ 2024
Software Engineer / Backend Engineer / Go Developer / Java Developer / Other
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
Fu Jen Catholic University
Computer Science & Information Engineering
Avatar of 李享駿.
Avatar of 李享駿.
Senior Software Engineer in Test (SDET/SQA) @Trevi Technology Co.,Ltd., Taipei, Taiwan
2023 ~ Present
Within one month
Hsiang-Chun Lee (Jason Lee) Sr.Software engineer in Test / SQA /SDET Work experience 5~ [email protected] Hello, I bring extensive experience in full-stack development, automation testing, and team leadership across various industries. At Zyxel, I specialized in firewall firmware testing and manual and automated VPN testing, ensuring robust security and performance. At Google, I gained world-class experience in the firmware division, leading automation software development and testing, solidifying my expertise in high-level automated testing frameworks. Currently, I serve as a Senior Software Automation Test Engineer and Team
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4-6 years
Build School
Avatar of 徐珮華.
Avatar of 徐珮華.
Back End Developer @互動資通股份有限公司
2024 ~ 2024
Within one month
徐珮華 台灣 [email protected] 五年 web 開發經驗,語言主要使用 Golang、 PHP,熟悉後端服務的架構設計、程式開發、測試和部署維護。 工作經歷 Backend Developer • 互動資通股份有限公司 2024//08 | Taipei, Taiwan 程式開發 使用 Golang 開發 API 服務,並引入單元測試
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4-6 years
中原大學 Chung Yuan Christian University
Avatar of Ran.
Avatar of Ran.
資深工程師 @PChome Online 網路家庭
2024 ~ Present
Full Stack Web Developer
Within one month
Ran Full Stack Web Developer 具備豐富且多元的網站開發經驗,熟悉從需求分析到系統設計、開發與部署的全流程。 曾主導多個新創核心項目,專注技術創新與效能優化,成功推動多項關鍵項目取得顯著成果。 熟悉 Scrum 團隊合作模式, 能在專案時程與有限的資源下
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
Tamkang University (TKU)
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Senior Backend Engineer @Metropia 美商美創資通股份有限公司台灣分公司
2023 ~ Present
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
Avatar of Yi Yin Zheng.
Avatar of Yi Yin Zheng.
Software Engineer @群聯電子股份有限公司(Phison Electronics Corp)
2022 ~ Present
Software Engineer
Within one month
Enhanced ZFS and DRBD management, improving data reliability and operational efficiency. Developed user account management features, including File ACL, storage quota, and integration with Directory Services (AD, OD, LDAP). Maintained High Availability (HA) mechanisms, ensuring seamless failover and failback for NAS systems. Implemented SQLite synchronization across dual controllers, ensuring consistent configurations and reliable operations. 學歷National Central University Master of Science in Computer Science & Information EngineeringChung Yuan Christian University Bachelor of Science in Information & Computer Engineering 技能 c++ python linux git c 語言 Chinese — 母語或雙...
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Full-time / Remote Only
6-10 years
National Central University
Master of Science in Computer Science & Information Engineering
Avatar of 陳毅軒.
Avatar of 陳毅軒.
python engineer @核桃運算
2024 ~ Present
Within one month
Chen Yi-Hsuan MLOps Engineer I have experience in speech and image recognition, as well as semantic analysis, with the ability to process both structured and unstructured data, such as credit card payment records, traffic flow from CCTV video footage and customer service inbound calls. I am proficient in the entire service development lifecycle, including deployment across different environments and platforms, container management, resource monitoring, log tracking, and implementing backup/restore policies. I am seeking a dynamic organization that offers opportunities for personal career growth, where I can contribute my skills and expertise in a challenging role
machine learning
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4-6 years

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Within one month
Senior DevOps
Taipei City, Taiwan
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System Architecture, DevOps / System Admin, Database
Fields of Employment
Software, Information Services, SaaS / Cloud Services
Work experience
6-10 years
I've had experience in managing 1-5 people
Load Balancing
Mobile Games
Mobile Apps
SQL Server
Cloud Computing
Cloud Services
Security Management
DevOps / CI / CD
Infrastructure Management
SRE - Python
Native or Bilingual
Job search preferences
Senior Devops SRE Engineer, Manager
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Interested in working remotely

Zeuik Li

A creative experiment executor with infrastructure management skills possesses 8-years experience as a system engineer and SRE / DevOps / DBA.

As a solution architect, he manages a million user-level services on AWS, saving 150K USD and reducing 50% of system level incidents.


Work Experience

Senior DevOps and Consultant  •  Resolve Technology Ltd.

Jun 2023 - Nov 2024

Technical Implementation:

  • Transitioning Terraform Enterprise from Replicated to Docker and data migration.
  • Devising and implementing GitHub Action with Ansible playbooks.
  • Devising and implementing GitLab CI with Kafka & Confluent automaton.
  • Developing the Huawei Cloud Stack API for hardening images and VM provisioning and daily operation.
  • Managing Google Cloud Platform and AWS Platform.
  • Create reusable Infra-As-Code (IaC) - Terraform and Ansible Playbooks to construct infrastructure efficiently.
Business Implementation: 

  • As a technology assistant, I am directly involved in delivering technical documentation and conducting training sessions for customers.
  • As the project manager, I oversee project deliberations and recurring meetings, as well as coordinate project delivery schedules.

SRE  •  Goodnight Ltd.

May 2022 - May 2023

Technical Implementation:

  • Revamp the AWS infrastructure and streamline API and CI/CD flow to enhance API performance by 400%.
  • Optimize database structure, review SQL queries, and increase database size by 300%, resulting in query speed up to microseconds.
  • Upgrade PostgreSQL from version 9 to version 14 and Redis from version 2.8 to version 5.0.6 with zero downtime.
  • Create reusable Infrastructure as Code (IaC) modules using CloudFormation and Terraform to construct infrastructure efficiently.
Business Implementation: 

  • We achieved a cost reduction of up to $60,000 in one year by migrating our CDN provider from Cloudfront to Cloudflare.
  • Collaborating with the backend team to optimize code at a deeper level resulted in an 80% reduction in alarms and incidents.

Senior SRE  •  KKStream Ltd.

Jan 2019 - May 2022

Technical Implementation:

  • To enhance API performance by 400%, we need to redesign the AWS infrastructure and refactor most APIs and CI/CD flows.
  • Manage the streaming Core-Tech K8s and Project base K8s.
  • The streaming encoding module has been upgraded to a new operating system, resulting in a 20% performance improvement.
  • Develop an AWS Lambda alarms module with automation triggers for all KKStream projects.
  • Automate the streaming of events for signal transmission by utilizing AWS Step Functions and ECS tasks.
  • Improve SQL tuning in the Saku/TFC project to decrease latency by 200%.
Business Implementation: 

  • Create a transition list for launched services and collaborate with an AWS Solution Architect to review the entire service infrastructure, ensuring maximum reliability and scalability.
  • Develop SRE On-call documents and conduct internal training sessions to empower new SRE members. Achieve cost reduction of up to 150K USD within one year by purchasing AWS Saving Plans/Reserved Instances (RI) and reviewing monthly billing statements to identify unused resources.
  • Collaborate with RD to optimize code at the application level, resulting in a 50% reduction in alarms and incidents.

Software Engineer  •  SPQ Ltd.

Sep 2018 - Dec 2018

Technical Implementation:

  • Design an AWS server environment using EC2, S3, RDS and ElasticCache for server operations and executions. 
  • Use API Gateway and Lambda for restful API execution. Analyze system or API execution logs with Cloudwatch.
  • Manage DNS with Route 53. 
  • Build a secure zone using VPC that includes security groups and route rules.
  • Write Stripe Lambda API to execute payment gateway status.
Business Implementation:

  • This is a discussion about mobile app development, UI/UX design, product and business model brainstorming, as well as security issue checking. 
  • To improve the development of our product and company, we must address both technical and business tasks.

System & Storage Engineer  •  HTC Corporation

Mar 2018 - Aug 2018

Technical Implementation:

Collaborate with a member of the infrastructure team and the security team to implement the Security Zone Project, aimed at improving HTC's security measures and minimizing vulnerabilities.

  • Network: Review firewall rules, set up a squid proxy, and deny direct server connections to the internet.
  • Databases: Integrate important service databases, optimize performance by identifying defects, and apply new security rules.
  • System: Update Windows operating system, rebuild services, and implement new security measures.
  • Server: Build a new VMware ESXi 6.0 environment that includes VMWare NSX. 
  • Storage consolidation and switch backup solutions from TSM to Commvault in order to reduce costs associated with backups. 
  • Provide support for testing and reporting on RD access for any HTC mobile phone.

Project / Task list

  • Implemented Windows updates and fixed security issues.
  • Rebuilt several Microsoft services, such as MFA, RDGW, NPS, WSUS, SCCM.
  • Set up Linux mirror sites and a proxy server for the VR team.
  • Conducted Docker POC and evaluated cost-effectiveness.

System Engineer  •  Gamania Digital Entertainment

Aug 2015 - Feb 2018

Technical Implementation:

  • Collaborate with game OEM to develop a schedule plan for production. 
  • Assist in the publication of games on both Apple Store and Google Play.
  • Experienced in gaming marketing and operations, game data analytics, and able to discuss these topics.
  • Experienced at gaming content creation and balancing.
  • Experienced at migration and configuring VMware ESXi.
  • Build-up On-Premise Servers at IDC.
  • Implement Telegram alert and daily gaming data report.
  • Implementing HAProxy using software load balancing reduces hardware costs. 

Business Implementation:

  • Gaming test and feedback to OEM. 
  • Gamania AWS POCs, migrate minimum compute node to AWS EC2, and run the server for gaming test. Communicate with other companies to the tasks they go through.
  • Teaching other members to learn Linux and hands-on daily operation operations of another product.

Field Application Engineer  •  Prowin Net Technology Ltd.

Jul 2014 - July 2015

Technical Implementation:

  • Maintain university school system/ department websites.
  • Help clients solve technical and regular issues and report to the development team.
  • Online exam system server/network maintenance and troubleshooting.

Skills / Certification

  • On Premise IDC / AWS
  • Linux / Windows
  • CDN / Streaming
  • Mobile Games / Apps
  • MySQL / PostgreSQL / SQL Server
  • Redis / Memcached / MongoDB
  • k8s / Docker / Container
  • CI&CD / IaC
  • Cacti / Grafana / Prometheus
  • Shell Scripts
  • Ansible / Cloudformation / Terraform
  • AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional


  • Chinese
  • English


National Taitung University

Information Science and Management Systems

2010 - 2014


Zeuik Li

A creative experiment executor with infrastructure management skills possesses 8-years experience as a system engineer and SRE / DevOps / DBA.

As a solution architect, he manages a million user-level services on AWS, saving 150K USD and reducing 50% of system level incidents.


Work Experience

Senior DevOps and Consultant  •  Resolve Technology Ltd.

Jun 2023 - Nov 2024

Technical Implementation:

  • Transitioning Terraform Enterprise from Replicated to Docker and data migration.
  • Devising and implementing GitHub Action with Ansible playbooks.
  • Devising and implementing GitLab CI with Kafka & Confluent automaton.
  • Developing the Huawei Cloud Stack API for hardening images and VM provisioning and daily operation.
  • Managing Google Cloud Platform and AWS Platform.
  • Create reusable Infra-As-Code (IaC) - Terraform and Ansible Playbooks to construct infrastructure efficiently.
Business Implementation: 

  • As a technology assistant, I am directly involved in delivering technical documentation and conducting training sessions for customers.
  • As the project manager, I oversee project deliberations and recurring meetings, as well as coordinate project delivery schedules.

SRE  •  Goodnight Ltd.

May 2022 - May 2023

Technical Implementation:

  • Revamp the AWS infrastructure and streamline API and CI/CD flow to enhance API performance by 400%.
  • Optimize database structure, review SQL queries, and increase database size by 300%, resulting in query speed up to microseconds.
  • Upgrade PostgreSQL from version 9 to version 14 and Redis from version 2.8 to version 5.0.6 with zero downtime.
  • Create reusable Infrastructure as Code (IaC) modules using CloudFormation and Terraform to construct infrastructure efficiently.
Business Implementation: 

  • We achieved a cost reduction of up to $60,000 in one year by migrating our CDN provider from Cloudfront to Cloudflare.
  • Collaborating with the backend team to optimize code at a deeper level resulted in an 80% reduction in alarms and incidents.

Senior SRE  •  KKStream Ltd.

Jan 2019 - May 2022

Technical Implementation:

  • To enhance API performance by 400%, we need to redesign the AWS infrastructure and refactor most APIs and CI/CD flows.
  • Manage the streaming Core-Tech K8s and Project base K8s.
  • The streaming encoding module has been upgraded to a new operating system, resulting in a 20% performance improvement.
  • Develop an AWS Lambda alarms module with automation triggers for all KKStream projects.
  • Automate the streaming of events for signal transmission by utilizing AWS Step Functions and ECS tasks.
  • Improve SQL tuning in the Saku/TFC project to decrease latency by 200%.
Business Implementation: 

  • Create a transition list for launched services and collaborate with an AWS Solution Architect to review the entire service infrastructure, ensuring maximum reliability and scalability.
  • Develop SRE On-call documents and conduct internal training sessions to empower new SRE members. Achieve cost reduction of up to 150K USD within one year by purchasing AWS Saving Plans/Reserved Instances (RI) and reviewing monthly billing statements to identify unused resources.
  • Collaborate with RD to optimize code at the application level, resulting in a 50% reduction in alarms and incidents.

Software Engineer  •  SPQ Ltd.

Sep 2018 - Dec 2018

Technical Implementation:

  • Design an AWS server environment using EC2, S3, RDS and ElasticCache for server operations and executions. 
  • Use API Gateway and Lambda for restful API execution. Analyze system or API execution logs with Cloudwatch.
  • Manage DNS with Route 53. 
  • Build a secure zone using VPC that includes security groups and route rules.
  • Write Stripe Lambda API to execute payment gateway status.
Business Implementation:

  • This is a discussion about mobile app development, UI/UX design, product and business model brainstorming, as well as security issue checking. 
  • To improve the development of our product and company, we must address both technical and business tasks.

System & Storage Engineer  •  HTC Corporation

Mar 2018 - Aug 2018

Technical Implementation:

Collaborate with a member of the infrastructure team and the security team to implement the Security Zone Project, aimed at improving HTC's security measures and minimizing vulnerabilities.

  • Network: Review firewall rules, set up a squid proxy, and deny direct server connections to the internet.
  • Databases: Integrate important service databases, optimize performance by identifying defects, and apply new security rules.
  • System: Update Windows operating system, rebuild services, and implement new security measures.
  • Server: Build a new VMware ESXi 6.0 environment that includes VMWare NSX. 
  • Storage consolidation and switch backup solutions from TSM to Commvault in order to reduce costs associated with backups. 
  • Provide support for testing and reporting on RD access for any HTC mobile phone.

Project / Task list

  • Implemented Windows updates and fixed security issues.
  • Rebuilt several Microsoft services, such as MFA, RDGW, NPS, WSUS, SCCM.
  • Set up Linux mirror sites and a proxy server for the VR team.
  • Conducted Docker POC and evaluated cost-effectiveness.

System Engineer  •  Gamania Digital Entertainment

Aug 2015 - Feb 2018

Technical Implementation:

  • Collaborate with game OEM to develop a schedule plan for production. 
  • Assist in the publication of games on both Apple Store and Google Play.
  • Experienced in gaming marketing and operations, game data analytics, and able to discuss these topics.
  • Experienced at gaming content creation and balancing.
  • Experienced at migration and configuring VMware ESXi.
  • Build-up On-Premise Servers at IDC.
  • Implement Telegram alert and daily gaming data report.
  • Implementing HAProxy using software load balancing reduces hardware costs. 

Business Implementation:

  • Gaming test and feedback to OEM. 
  • Gamania AWS POCs, migrate minimum compute node to AWS EC2, and run the server for gaming test. Communicate with other companies to the tasks they go through.
  • Teaching other members to learn Linux and hands-on daily operation operations of another product.

Field Application Engineer  •  Prowin Net Technology Ltd.

Jul 2014 - July 2015

Technical Implementation:

  • Maintain university school system/ department websites.
  • Help clients solve technical and regular issues and report to the development team.
  • Online exam system server/network maintenance and troubleshooting.

Skills / Certification

  • On Premise IDC / AWS
  • Linux / Windows
  • CDN / Streaming
  • Mobile Games / Apps
  • MySQL / PostgreSQL / SQL Server
  • Redis / Memcached / MongoDB
  • k8s / Docker / Container
  • CI&CD / IaC
  • Cacti / Grafana / Prometheus
  • Shell Scripts
  • Ansible / Cloudformation / Terraform
  • AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional


  • Chinese
  • English


National Taitung University

Information Science and Management Systems

2010 - 2014