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Avatar of Avin/蘇堇賦.
Avatar of Avin/蘇堇賦.
新媒体运营负责人 @上海杰米健康集团
2024 ~ Present
UI/UX Designer
Within one month
understanding of user needs, and provide direction for product innovation. ● Coordinate with R&D, design, operation and other departments, integrate internal and external resources, including technology, copyright, distribution, etc., to optimize product experience and enhance product core competitiveness. ● Collaborate with the technical team, especially the algorithm team, to advance the application of technology in the product, ensure the technical feasibility, and improve the algorithm effect. ● Responsible for the entire life cycle management of the product, including goal setting, decomposition and implementation, and ensure that the business goals are achieved on schedule. ●
Microsoft Office
Ready to interview
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
10-15 years
景文科技大學( 臺灣 )

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