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Avatar of Avin/蘇堇賦.
Avatar of Avin/蘇堇賦.
新媒体运营负责人 @上海杰米健康集团
2024 ~ Sekarang
UI/UX Designer
Dalam satu bulan
user needs, and provide direction for product innovation. 3.Coordinate with R&D, design, operation and other departments, integrate internal and external resources, including technology, copyright, distribution, etc., to optimize product experience and enhance product core competitiveness. 4.Collaborate with the technical team, especially the algorithm team, to advance the application of technology in the product, ensure the technical feasibility, and improve the algorithm effect. 5.Responsible for the entire life cycle management of the product, including goal setting, decomposition and implementation, and ensure that the business goals are achieved on schedule.
Microsoft Office
Sudah bekerja
Siap untuk wawancara
Full-time / Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
10-15 tahun
景文科技大學( 臺灣 )

Paket Perekrutan Paling Mudah dan Efektif, Pilihan Ratusan Perusahaan

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