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Cake Talent Search

Avatar of 廖奕豪.
Dalam enam bulan
became widely popularize and interactive web technologies keep growing, the Internet is essential to our life and become the major tool that we get information. But nowadays, the ideas of E-commerce still remain in the state of sales orientation. Even we all knew the names of tool: Big-data, SEO, ad-words and so on, tools for TA-approaching. But still, we use them only for sales. More orders and higher Transfer rate, the only goal and success to be chased and exceed. But is it the only one thing we should care about
Full-time / Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
4-6 tahun

Paket Perekrutan Paling Mudah dan Efektif, Pilihan Ratusan Perusahaan

Cari lebih dari 800 ribu CV dan ambil aksi menghubungi pelamar kerja untuk rekrutmen yang lebih efektif. Pilihan ratusan perusahaan.

  • Lihat semua hasil pencarian
  • Tanpa batas harian untuk memulai pesan baru
  • CV dapat diakses oleh perusahaan berbayar
  • Lihat email pengguna & nomor telepon