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Avatar of Yun-Ping Kuo.
Avatar of Yun-Ping Kuo.
Assistant Manager @Zuellig Pharma, INC
2019 ~ Sekarang
Data Analyst 資料分析師 資料科學師
Dalam satu bulan
[email protected] Work Experience Data Analyst, Assistant Manager, Morrison Express (Taipei, Taiwan) 02/01/present Project Management Product Leadership : Spearhead the development of MUSE, an internal reporting product delivering up-to-date financial, sales and operational performance insights through interactive dashboards using agile approach Strategic Data Architecture: Design and implement new ETL flows leveraging LakeHouse structure to establish a Single Source Of Truth with prioritized report features, improving data accuracy by 12% Complex Data Management: Oversee the migration of 6+ million records and integration of 400+ business logics, ensuring seamless transitions with minimal
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4-6 tahun
Tilburg University
MSc Econometrics and Mathematical Economics
Avatar of Stuart Frost Laguna Niguel.
Avatar of Stuart Frost Laguna Niguel.
Founder & CEO @STUART FROST Background
2019 ~ 2020
Founder & CEO
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etc. More recently, Stuart has made many connections in China and has been helping some of the portfolio companies raise funds from Chinese investors and develop strategies for the Chinese market. SWARM, Founder & Chairman, Aug 2012 ~ Jul 2018 Stuart founded Maana to build a platform that could use AI to explore massive sets of Big Data and make it much Ø easier and faster for large industrial companies to create advanced analytics applications. The company has raised 65m in venture capital and has a number of very large and successful deployments. The company'...
service quality
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Full-time / Tidak tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
Lebih dari 15 tahun

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