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Cake Talent Search

Avatar of 梁煒祺.
Avatar of 梁煒祺.
SENIOR ASSISTANT @Garena 新加坡商競舞電競有限公司臺灣分公司
2019 ~ Sekarang
Dalam satu bulan
handling disputes and issues; monitoring the competition process to ensure that participants comply with regulations. eSports Marketing: Responsible for promoting the eSports adheres , developing marketing plans, and regularly publishing content to attract audiences. Actively engaging with fans to enhance their participation. Additionally, this includes planning offline activities, data analysis and evaluation, as well as team management. eSports Promotional Video Director: Responsible for the creative conception and scriptwriting of promotional videos, guiding the filming team to ensure the shooting process aligns with creative ideas and capturing key moments and scenes. Furthermore, overseeing the final product to
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Siap untuk wawancara
United States・Japan
Full-time / Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
6-10 tahun
淡江大學 Tamkang University
Department of Library and Information Science

Paket Perekrutan Paling Mudah dan Efektif, Pilihan Ratusan Perusahaan

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