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Avatar of YenLin Chen.
Avatar of YenLin Chen.
Software Engineer @夢想家金融科技有限公司
2023 ~ 2024
Android 工程師
Dalam satu bulan
old architecture to MVVM architecture and use coroutine to handle all the tasks. Software Engineer Transcend Information Inc NovSepTaipei, Taiwan Develop Android APP for consumer products: - Cloud product APP – StoreJet Cloud (in Java, MVC architecture) - Memory card APP - Wifi-SD (in Java, MVC architecture ) - File manager APP - Elite (in Kotlin, MVVM architecture) EducationNational Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan Computer Science and Information EngineeringNational Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan Computer Science and Information Engineering Skill Programming Android/Kotlin MVVM/MVC architecture Room Gitlab Jetpack Compose Product Transcend Elite StoreJet Cloud Wi-Fi SD Houzz - Home Design & Remodel Language
Android app Developer
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Full-time / Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
6-10 tahun
National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan 國立成功大學
Computer Science and Information Engineering
Avatar of 楊敦閎.
Avatar of 楊敦閎.
研發部資深 Android 工程師 @集星網路股份有限公司
2024 ~ 2024
Senior Android Developer
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Yang Tun Hung Senior Android Developer with Architectural Expertise An experienced Android developer with a strong focus on designing modular, maintainable application architectures. Over the past five years, I have developed expertise in implementing multi-module architectures that integrate both layered and feature-based approaches. This hybrid strategy enables clean separation of concerns, allowing teams to work in parallel with minimal context switching and reducing the risk of conflicts. By adhering to dependency inversion principles and leveraging modularization, I've been able to foster collaboration, accelerate development cycles, and improve code quality. My approach ensures that
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Full-time / Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
4-6 tahun
國立臺灣科技大學 National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
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Software Engineer
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Full-time / Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
6-10 tahun
Avatar of Andy Chang.
Avatar of Andy Chang.
Senior Android Engineer @Dcard 狄卡科技股份有限公司
2020 ~ 2024
Senior Android Developer
Dalam satu bulan
person team to unify coding styles, optimize architecture, and conduct code reviews, ensuring stable development quality. Experienced in Scrum, working efficiently within 5-7 person teams, including PMs, designers, and backend developers, to drive projects forward. Senior Android Engineer Taipei,Taiwan [email protected] Android Java、Kotlin Jetpack、Kotlin Coroutines Firebase In-app Billing Leanback、ExoPlayer IMA、AdMob、MoPub Retrofit、OkHttp Glide、Coil Koin Kotest、MockK、JUnit Kotlin Serialization、Gson Environment Android Studio Jira、Trello、ClickUp Git、Git Flow GitLab、GitHub Jenkins Postman、Flipper Figma Work Experiences Dcard Taiwan Ltd. (Dcard) Senior Android Engineer ( SepJulDeveloped
Android app Developer
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Full-time / Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
10-15 tahun
Avatar of Yi-Cheng Wang.
Avatar of Yi-Cheng Wang.
副工程師 @嘉實資訊股份有限公司
2023 ~ Sekarang
Android Developer
Dalam satu bulan
Yi-Cheng Wang Work Experience SysJust Inc. | Android Developer | Feb– Now Introduced and optimized at least 5 stock chart indicator drawer modules through algorithms Deployed 3 new pages in MVP architecture on top of the existing event-driven architecture to help separate presentation logic from business logic Created 2 custom widgets with detailed documentation for the team, assisting other developers to understand the widgets in a shorter duration, resulting in a reduction in overall development time Developed in more than 5 custom views to enable various UI adaptations, minimizing the overhead of UI customization Synergized with iOS partners to
Android Application Development
Kotlin Coroutines
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Full-time / Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
4-6 tahun
National Pingtung University
Information Management
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Avatar of the user.
Senior Android App Engineer @Masterwork Aoitek Co. Ltd.
2022 ~ Sekarang
Android App Developer
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Android APP開發
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Full-time / Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
6-10 tahun
Avatar of the user.
Avatar of the user.
App 工程師 @艾克森科技有限公司
2023 ~ 2024
Android App 工程師 Flutter APP 工程師
Dalam satu bulan
Android 開發相關
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Full-time / Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
6-10 tahun
Avatar of 陳尚瑋.
Avatar of 陳尚瑋.
Application Developer @IBM Taiwan
2022 ~ Sekarang
Dalam satu bulan
構 依專案變動 第三方 Library 依專案需求 其他技能 版本控制 Git Sourcetree 系統、軟體操作 Linux Postman Firebase‎ 開發環境與程式語言 Android Studio Visual Studio Code Xcode Java Kotlin Python Swift IBM(2022-NOW) 完成專案 MEGA Core Transformation 將核心系統轉至容易操作的網頁模式 資料庫轉移及業務切割 協助撰寫SA文件 後端API建
Android app Developer
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Full-time / Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
6-10 tahun
National Chi Nan University
Information management
Avatar of Kevin Liu.
Avatar of Kevin Liu.
Full Stack Developer @Self-Employed
2023 ~ Sekarang
Software Engineer
Dalam satu bulan
Kevin Liu Hong [email protected] I am an experienced developer with 6 years of expertise across various programming languages. I excel in designing, building, and launching websites and mobile applications from inception to production. Additionally, I am well-versed in artificial intelligence and possess strong skills in CMS platforms such as Sitecore and Adobe Experience Manager (AEM). Work Experience Full Stack Developer • Self-Employed OctoberPresent | Taipei, Taiwan As a freelance Full Stack developer, I have worked with multiple clients to design and
React Native
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Hong Kong
Full-time / Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
6-10 tahun
University of Southampton Malaysia
Computer Science
Avatar of 黃建霖.
Avatar of 黃建霖.
Past Android Developer @17 LIVE_藝啟股份有限公司臺灣分公司
2022 ~ 2024
Android APP 開發
Dalam satu bulan
功能包括: 定位導航、推播訊息、 QRcode、電子簽名、 金流串接、第三方登入、相機照片存取 .... 等各式常見APP之功能。 此外擅長以Kotlin與Java進行開發,熟悉Rxjava, koin, jetpack ..等工具。 技能Skills Languages Good: Kotlin , JAVA, SQL IDE Android Studio Library . Retrofit, Rxjava . Koin, OneSignal . LiveData, ViewModel, Room . Ably , Pubnub, ExoPlayer . Paging, ViewPager . Picasso, Glide . Gson, EasyPermission Tools Postman GitHub SourceTree Fabric
Android app Developer
Firebase Analytics
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Full-time / Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
6-10 tahun

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