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Avatar of 許哲瑋.
Software Engineer
Dalam satu bulan
Config to send version update notifications and Crashlytics to capture bugs Used Lokalise for i18n Sr. Android Engineer, Inno Technology (伊諾科技) , Taipei Sep 2019–Apr 2022 Android/Kotlin Built a sports app from scratch Built and standardized the overall app structure for improved performance and easier maintenance Responsible for real-time updates of all sports odds displays Led technical interviews and trained new hires to ensure a smooth transition into projects Sr. Android Engineer, Chensheng network (辰昇網絡) , Taipei Jan 2019–Aug 2019 Android/Kotlin Led a te...
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Full-time / Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
6-10 tahun
Avatar of Nico Gawa Lahara.
Avatar of Nico Gawa Lahara.
Tech Lead @Infotek Andalas Metrodata
2023 ~ 2024
Software Engineer / Backend Engineer
Dalam satu bulan
Nico Gawa Lahara Currently, I'm working as a Software Engineer or Full Stack Engineer. Starting My professional career as Full Stack Web Developer sinceearly. Some of programming language that I'm learning, working and implements in production environment such as Laravel PHP Framework (version 5.x - 10.x), Codeigniter (version 3), CakePHP and also Symfony Framework. I use javascript and ajax for client side. Since 2021, I start My Software Engineer journey learning some new program languages, such as C#, kotlin, java, python, and unity vuforia. although my specialty is as
sofware engineering
FullStack Development
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Full-time / Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
6-10 tahun
Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi (UNPAB)
Computer Science
Avatar of Felix.
Avatar of Felix.
資訊處副理 @Alpha Financial Tech
2023 ~ 2024
Senior Backend Engineer
Dalam satu bulan
Felix Senior Backend Engineer Taipei City, Taiwan I am an energetic engineer with around 10 years of experience leveraging various cloud platforms (AWS, GCP and Azure) to develop SaaS solutions. My exposure to diverse SaaS services has deepened my knowledge of AIoT applications. With a degree in Electrical Engineering and a focus on IoT systems, I am passionate about developing end-device systems and exploring new opportunities in AIoT. I’m eager to take on challenges that involve AIoT application systems and contribute to innovative projects. Skills Code Python NodeJS Kotlin C Tools Django/DRF
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Full-time / Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
6-10 tahun
TI CC2540/CC2541, TI MSP430, BLE
Avatar of 王郁翔.
Avatar of 王郁翔.
軟體開發資深工程師 @緯創軟體股份有限公司
2023 ~ Sekarang
Dalam satu bulan
供一系列的 API 讓合作客戶與自家的 android pos 可以進行銷售產品(包含實體與數位)與銷售過程中需要做 KYC 前端技術:native android (java 和 Kotlin) 後端技術:spring boot, mybatis, spring aop, apache http client, soap, springDoc 大量串接第三方服務,處理自簽憑證、JWT 等安全機制 重構程式碼,如將複雜 DTO 抽象化並
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Full-time / Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
4-6 tahun
Avatar of Thomas.
Avatar of Thomas.
Senior Specialist @CNA Insurance Company
2022 ~ 2024
Software Engineer
Dalam satu bulan
issues on everyday basis. • Worked with Mockito Testing Library unit test framework to write unit tests for backend apis. • Mentoring the offshore work and providing technical help to the offshore team for their JIRA tickets. DecemberDecember 2024 Software Engineer • BookBeam Developed RESTful APIs & SOAP using Java/Kotlin - Spring Boot & Python for a web application with over 1 million users per month. • Developed frontend in React with Redux for frontend application and developed chrome extension as well. • Used Kafka to Stream Data in backend side. • Used Selenium and Web Driver to scrape date in
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United States
Full-time / Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
6-10 tahun
University of Arkansas
Computer Science
Avatar of Thomas Richardson.
Avatar of Thomas Richardson.
Senior Specialist @CNA Insurance Company
2022 ~ Sekarang
Software Engineer / Backend Engineer
Dalam satu bulan
and Vue.js, I create dynamic and responsive user interfaces that enhance user engagement and accessibility. My proficiency extends to mobile application development using React Native, ensuring consistent and high-quality experiences across iOS and Android devices. On the back-end, I bring extensive experience with Java, Kotlin, Node.js, and microservices architecture, enabling the development of scalable and efficient systems. I am adept at managing both SQL and NoSQL databases, including MongoDB and GraphQL, ensuring robust data management and seamless integration with RESTful APIs and GraphQL interfaces. My blockchain expertise includes designing and
Visual Studio Code
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United States・Vietnam・Taiwan・Hong Kong・Japan・Thailand・China・Mexico・Russia
Full-time / Hanya bekerja jarak jauh
10-15 tahun
University of Arkansas
Computer Science
Avatar of the user.
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iOS工程師 @巴哈姆特電玩資訊站_旺普網路資訊股份有限公司
2018 ~ 2024
Software engineer
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Full-time / Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
10-15 tahun
銘傳大學 Ming Chuan University
Avatar of Carl Lu.
Avatar of Carl Lu.
Senior Software Engineer @Coupang
2024 ~ Sekarang
Backend Developer (Java/Kotlin)
Dalam satu bulan
Carl Lu Over 8 years of hands-on experience in Java enterprise development. Experienced in financial property, e-commerce (B2B/B2C), and payment solutions. Major strengths of characteristics include friendly, cooperative, selfless, logical, strong ambitions, competent and result-oriented. Employment Senior Software Engineer • Coupang OctoberPresent Backend developer of the price determination system. Develop and maintain the system to meet business and operational requirements. Senior Software Engineer • PayPay Corporation MarchMay 2024 Backend developer of the payout team, d evelop/maintain the payout system which needs to handle 500 M+ monthly transactions and serve
Spring Boot
API Development
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Terbuka untuk peluang
Full-time / Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
6-10 tahun
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Information Management
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後端工程師 @雷速網路科技
2023 ~ Sekarang
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Terbuka untuk peluang
Full-time / Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
10-15 tahun
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Freelancer @個人接案 freelancer
2022 ~ Sekarang
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Terbuka untuk peluang
Paruh waktu / Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
6-10 tahun
ISU University

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