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Avatar of 姚璇亨.
Avatar of 姚璇亨.
商業分析師 @凱基商業銀行股份有限公司
2021 ~ Sekarang
Data Analyst、Data Engineer、Data Scientist、Customer Experience Analyst
Dalam satu bulan
hours daily for medical professionals. Calibrated and deployed a machine learning regression model for waveform predictions, enhancing accuracy for 500+ blood pressure monitors. Research Assistant Department of Computer Science, NCCU • August 2019–July 2020 Conducted opinion mining on 2,500 wine reviews using Transformer-based pre-trained language models. Delivered NLP coursework guidance to over 70 students as a Teaching Assistant. Account Manager Leo Burnett Taiwan • February 2017–May 2019 Orchestrated rebranding strategies for Chia Shin Cement Group, resulting in the only successful brand declaration campaign in five years. Localized branding materials and executed
English as a Second Language (ESL)
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Full-time / Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
4-6 tahun
國立政治大學(National Chengchi University)
Avatar of 林樂瑞.
Avatar of 林樂瑞.
Digital Transformation Analyst @MAA CONSULTANTS LTD
2024 ~ Sekarang
Dalam satu bulan
but have also refined my teamwork and project management skills. Currently, I am a part-time digital transformation engineer at MAA Consultant Co., Ltd., where I focus on driving digital innovation and improving operational efficiency. I have cultivated a comprehensive professional background that encompasses data analysis, natural language processing (NLP), statistical analysis, and scientific simulation. My proficiency in programming languages such as Python, C++, and MATLAB enables me to design, develop, and maintain sophisticated software applications. During my time at university, I had the privilege of serving as the president of the
Microsoft Office
Terbuka untuk peluang
Paruh waktu / Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
4-6 tahun
National Tsing Hua University
Sports Studies
Avatar of 簡靖岳.
Avatar of 簡靖岳.
資深生成式AI工程師 @台達電子
2024 ~ Sekarang
Dalam satu bulan
Development Developed Mandarin-English and Japanese-English speech recognition systems. Deployed the speech recognition systems in major hospitals in Taiwan and Japan, achieving an error rate below 4% with minimal data fine-tuning, greatly improving user experience. Developed Keyword Spotting (KWS), Text-to-Speech (TTS), Speaker Recognition system Natural Language Processing Technology Development Developed various large language model (LLM) systems using Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), FSDP-QLoRA model fine-tuning, and model compression technologies. Developed LLM-based system that handles tasks such as generating medical reports, extracting medical keywords, and correcting errors in speech recognition. The
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4-6 tahun
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Computer Science
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Founder @MorphusAI
2023 ~ Sekarang
Dalam enam bulan
blockchain development
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Full-time / Tidak tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
4-6 tahun
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Algorithm Engineer/ Data Scientist/ Sr. Project Management
Dalam enam bulan
Natural Language Processing
Full-time / Hanya bekerja jarak jauh
4-6 tahun
Avatar of Sean Chang.
Avatar of Sean Chang.
Software Engineer @TSMC 台積電
2022 ~ Sekarang
Data Scientist
Dalam satu bulan
張詠翔 (Sean Chang) Sr. Data Scientist Sr. Data Scientist at KKLab, KKBOX Group Taipei, Taiwan 技能 ML Fundamentals tree-based models (bagging, boosting) NLP-related models (LM, NER, SA, ...) Programming Languages Python JavaScript Scala Go Frontend React React Native Backend & Database Express Flask & FastAPI SQLAlchemy MongoDB MySQL DevOps Docker Kubernetes AWS Ansible Helm GitLab CI Distributed Computing Apache Spark ML Frameworks & MLOps Tensorflow Scikit-learn Spark ML mlflow spaCy Data Visualization Plotly D3.js seaborn bokeh Miscellaneous Scrapy & Beautiful Soup 工作經
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4-6 tahun
National Taiwan University
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A.I Reseacher @Taipei Medical University
2019 ~ Sekarang
Algorithm Engineer/ Data Scientist/ Sr. Project Management
Lebih dari satu tahun
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Full-time / Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
4-6 tahun
Taipei Medical University
Data Science
Avatar of Benjamin Deporte.
Avatar of Benjamin Deporte.
AI, Machine Learning and Data Manager @IRT Saint Exupery
2021 ~ Sekarang
Data Analyst、Data Scientist、AI Engineer、Project Manager
Dalam satu tahun
Benjamin Deporte [email protected] AI, Machine Learning and Data Officer Innovative AI/ML seasoned leader with strong mathematical background and hands-on knowledge of machine learning algorithms and best practices. Specialized in Cybersecurity, Healthcare and Aerospace. Demonstrated driving business value through 10+ years of experience within different businesses, in direct management or thought leadership roles. Leadership, networking, communication and language skills. Skills Expertise in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Specialization in Cybersecurity, Healthcare and Aerospace. Leadership abilities, networking and communication skills Business acumen in multicultural, global organizations Work
Proficiency in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Knowledgeable in cybersecurity
Project and Account management
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Full-time / Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
6-10 tahun
Télécom Paris
Avatar of Manisha Madane.
Avatar of Manisha Madane.
Data Scientist/NLP Engineer @Entercoms
2019 ~ Sekarang
Data Scientist/NLP Engineer
Lebih dari satu tahun
Manisha Madane ( Data Scientist ) Email Id : [email protected] Mobile No :years of experience in IT and comprehensive industry knowledge of Machine Learning, Data Analysis, Predictive Analysis, Data Manipulation, Data Mining, Data Visualization and Business Intelligence. 2.Experience in performing Feature Selection, Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, k - Means Clustering, Classification, Decision Tree, Supporting Vector Machines (SVM) , Naive Bayes, K-Nearest Neighbours (KNN) , Random Forest, and Gradient Descent, algorithms to train and test huge data sets. 3.Adept in statistical programming languages like Python. Expertized in Python data extraction and data manipulation, and widely
Positive Attitude
Hard Working
Full-time / Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
4-6 tahun
Pune University

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