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Cake Talent Search

Avatar of Duncan Chen.
Avatar of Duncan Chen.
Sr. Full Stack Developer @Foxit Software Co., Ltd.
2021 ~ 2024
Sr. Backend Engineer (全遠端優先&非博弈產業)
Dalam satu bulan
碼風格。 Education National Kaohsiung Normal University Industrial Technology/Arts Education, Software Engineering, Human-Computer Interaction •跨領域學術背景,擅長整合資訊與機械知識,追求卓越產品與使用者體驗。 Skills Frontend Next.js React.js、React Context Redux、MobX、Zustand React Native:Expo Vue.js、 Vuetify、Vuex Tailwind CSS Styled Components TypeScript Prettier&ESLint Figma Backend Node.js :Express.js、NestJS Golang:Iris、Fasthttp、Gin Java:Spring、Spring Boot API:RESTful、GraphQL RDBMS:MariaDB、MSSQL NoSQL
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Full-time / Hanya bekerja jarak jauh
6-10 tahun
National Kaohsiung Normal University
Industrial Technology/Arts Education, Software Engineering, Human-Computer Interaction
Avatar of Po-Han Chen.
Avatar of Po-Han Chen.
Frontend Engineer (Senior Software Engineer) @Cake
2022 ~ Sekarang
Frontend Engineer
Dalam satu bulan
Po-Han Chen (陳柏翰) Senior Software Engineer at Cake [email protected] I am a versatile software engineer with expertise in frontend development (React, Next.js) and backend development (NestJS), along with experience in deep learning. Experience Senior Software Engineer, Cake 1/Present Developed user dashboards, company pages, and AI-powered tools like resume health checks and cover letter generation, boosting job application conversion rates by 38%. Led Strapi CMS integration, enabling designers to create landing pages independently, resulting in 3.31M page views and 28K new user registrations, while freeing
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Full-time / Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
4-6 tahun
National Taiwan University
Computer Science and Information Engineering
Avatar of 徐丞俊.
Avatar of 徐丞俊.
工程師 @居易科技股份有限公司
2018 ~ Sekarang
Dalam satu bulan
音導覽、影片內容。 主要負責內容與技術 Matterport SDK & API:客製化 導覽功能、熱點標註 (Hotspots)、內嵌多媒體內容,增強互動體驗。 1. 前端技術 Next.js:用於建構網站的 自訂 UI,讓使用者透過 Matterport Viewer API 控制視角與互動內容。 Tailwind CSS / SCSS:設計響應式 (RWD) 介面,確保跨裝置體驗
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Full-time / Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
6-10 tahun
Avatar of the user.
Avatar of the user.
Senior Software Engineer @Delta Energy
2024 ~ Sekarang
Senior Software Engineer / Tech Lead
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Full-time / Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
4-6 tahun
Avatar of the user.
Avatar of the user.
Front-End Engineer @TG3D Studio / Subsidiary of DMKTZ Inc.
2023 ~ Sekarang
前端工程師 Front-End Developer
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Full-time / Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
6-10 tahun
National Central University
Astronomy Institute
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Avatar of the user.
Senior Front-End Developer @ABC TECHNOLOGIES
2020 ~ 2024
前端工程師 Front-End Developer
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html + css + javascript
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Indonesia・United States・New Zealand・United Kingdom・Denmark・United Arab Emirates・Singapore・Australia・Germany・Hong Kong・Thailand・Spain・Italy・The Netherlands・Mexico・Canada・Portugal・Romania・Brazil・Austria・Ukraine・Colombia・Argentina・Iceland・French Polynesia
Full-time / Hanya bekerja jarak jauh
6-10 tahun
IPB University
Computer Science
Avatar of Eason Liu.
Avatar of Eason Liu.
Frontend Developer @Morrison Express Corp.
2022 ~ Sekarang
Frontend Developer
Dalam satu bulan
Eason Liu Front-End Developer New Taipei City, Taiwan Focusing on leveraging the most suitable technologies to create user-centric web experiences. Overview Experienced Senior Frontend Engineer with expertise in React.js, Vue.js, adept at adapting to different frameworks and optimizing development workflows. Currently focused on building scalable, high-performance applications using React.js. Proactively identify potential issues and drive efficiency improvements, leading code refactoring initiatives that significantly reduced code complexity and improved maintainability. Collaborated with DevOps to enhance CI/CD pipelines, optimizing deployment workflows and reducing redundancy. Work Experience
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Full-time / Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
4-6 tahun
FengChia University
Avatar of Tsuneo Yamamura.
Avatar of Tsuneo Yamamura.
Senior 3D Software Engineer @Upwork as a Freelancer
2025 ~ Sekarang
Software Engineer
Dalam satu bulan
experiences. Additionally, 5 years of expertise in Full Stack Development ensures the ability to design, build, and optimize scalable, robust, and high-performance solutions tailored to diverse client needs. NovDec 2024 Taipei, Taiwan 3D Software Engineer Grid Dynamics - Led the development of complex 3D web applications, leveraging React, Next.js, and WebGL technologies. - Built scalable full-stack solutions with Node.js and MongoDB to support 3D rendering and real-time user interactions. - Delivered cutting-edge visualization tools for clients in automotive and gaming industries, increasing engagement by 30%. - Championed performance optimizations, achieving faster
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United States
Full-time / Hanya bekerja jarak jauh
4-6 tahun
Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (KPI)
Computer science
Avatar of Kota Historika.
Avatar of Kota Historika.
AI Specialist @Epic Caller AI
2023 ~ 2024
Software Engineer
Dalam satu bulan
Kota Historika Senior Software Engineer I am an Software Engineer with a strong foundation in computer science and a passion for developing innovative and efficient technological solutions. I hold a Bachelor’s degree from Nagoya University, where I specialized in Computer Algorithms, Database Architecture, and Artificial Intelligence. With experience in designing and implementing scalable backend systems and integrating cutting-edge AI technologies, I excel at creating reliable, high-performance solutions that address real-world challenges. I am skilled in programming, problem-solving, and building systems that enhance user experiences and improve operational efficiency. Driven by curiosity
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United States・Vietnam・Taiwan・United Arab Emirates・Singapore・Hong Kong・Japan・Thailand・Saudi Arabia・China・Canada・Israel
Full-time / Hanya bekerja jarak jauh
4-6 tahun
Nagoya University
Database Architecture, Computer Algorithm, Artificial Intelligence
Avatar of Hsienyun Chang.
Avatar of Hsienyun Chang.
Research And Development Manager @Heimdall Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
2023 ~ Sekarang
Software Engineer / Backend Engineer
Dalam satu bulan
complex content to improve program readability. Expanded system compatibility, planning existing systems for use by multiple types of clients. Developed a product management system to track products not stored on the company server. Rewrote the company's existing labeling data system. #React.js #Next.js #Node.js #Nest.js #MongoDB #C #AWS FebMarFull-time & Part-time , 4 Y 1M ) Full-Stack Engineer Bankpro E-Service Technology Co., Ltd. Planned, analyzed and Developed an Order Management System (OMS) for a large cosmetics company.
Backend Development
Frontend Development
Full Stack Web Development
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Full-time / Hanya bekerja jarak jauh
4-6 tahun
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Computer Science

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