Business Development, Product Manager, Project Management, Business Operations, Process Design
and Thailand. 3. Led the integration of Salesforce and Crescendo Lab, generating $50,000 in annual recurring revenue within six months. Business Development Specialist/Project Manager • Future Lab (DTC Consumer Electronic startup) 03 // 2020 Established business operations from scratch in Korea, Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia, consistently achieving sales targets. 學歷 09 // 2019 國立政治大學 National Chengchi University Slavic Languages and Literatures / Business 09 // 2018 Ural Federal University Exchange Student 技能 SQL basic Python basic 語言 Chinese - Native English - Professional Russian - Professional
Full-time / Tidak tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
國立政治大學(National Chengchi University)・
Slavic Languages/Business