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Avatar of 姚璇亨.
Avatar of 姚璇亨.
商業分析師 @凱基商業銀行股份有限公司
2021 ~ Present
Data Analyst、Data Engineer、Data Scientist、Customer Experience Analyst
Within one month
professionals. Calibrated and deployed a machine learning regression model for waveform predictions, enhancing accuracy for 500+ blood pressure monitors. Research Assistant Department of Computer Science, NCCU • August 2019–July 2020 Conducted opinion mining on 2,500 wine reviews using Transformer-based pre-trained language models. Delivered NLP coursework guidance to over 70 students as a Teaching Assistant. Account Manager Leo Burnett Taiwan • February 2017–May 2019 Orchestrated rebranding strategies for Chia Shin Cement Group, resulting in the only successful brand declaration campaign in five years. Localized branding materials and executed competitive analysis for multinational
English as a Second Language (ESL)
Open to opportunities
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
國立政治大學(National Chengchi University)
Avatar of 林秀明.
Avatar of 林秀明.
Vice President, AI and Innovation Product @昕力資訊 TPIsoftware
2019 ~ Present
Vice President, AI and Innovation Product
Within one month
Softbank Global Robot Forum 2018 *Release the world 1st Breast Cancer Rehabilitation Robot in 2017 工作經歷 Vice President, AI and Innovation Product • TPISoftware 三月Present Established the including NLP, Vision and RPA three product lines, and acquired No. 1 market share in Taiwan market. Conducted visionary strategy and drive result-oriented goal with the clear and confident decision making to accelerate the product development, project progress and P&L management. Reported to CEO Key Achievement
Strategic Planning
Product Management
Product Marketing
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
More than 15 years
國立政治大學(National Chengchi University)
Service Innovation and Strategy

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