khadafy pradana putra With 4 years of experience, I excel in driving ROAS and revenue growth through Meta Ads, TikTok Ads, Google Ads, and Marketplace Marketing. Focused on data-driven strategies, I specialize in boosting traffic, generating leads, and enhancing brand visibility across digital platforms. Jakarta, Indonesia Work Experience Marketplace Marketing Executive • Kanmo Group MarchPresent Q4 Brands Handling - Nespresso (SHOPEE,ZALORA ADS) - Havaianas (SHOPEE,TOKOPEDIA,LAZADA,ZALORA,TIKTOK ADS) - Cole Haan (SHOPEE,TOKOPEDIA,ZALORA ADS) - Liverpool Football Club (SHOPEE,TOKOPEDIA,ZALORA,TIKTOK ADS) - Coach (SHOPEE) - Kate Spade (SHOPEE) Q3 Brands Handling - Nespresso - Havaianas - Cole Haan - Liverpool Football Club
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
Business Management