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Sales Manager @Gigantic Consultants
2024 ~ Present
Sales Manager
Within one month
Attention To Detail
Maintaining financial Records
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United Arab Emirates・Egypt・Saudi Arabia
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
10-15 years
Business administration- marketing At menofia university - faculty of commerce English section
Management - Financial management and Marketing.
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IT Specialist @CJ Foods Vietnam
2023 ~ Present
IT Manager / Support Engineer
Within one month
Network Troubleshooting
Network Infrastructure
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
AWS re/Start
AWS re/start
Avatar of 陳郭祐.
Avatar of 陳郭祐.
前端工程師 @昕力資訊股份有限公司
2022 ~ Present
Within one month
maintain computer security and try to find any problem. I have three licenses in Software information security. First, Cisco Certified Network Associate (Cisco Systems, Inc). Focuses on security, cloud, collaboration, security operations, design, data center technologies, industrial plants, service providers, and wireless. Second, CompTIA Certified professional security+ (The Computing Technology Industry Association). Deals with computer security topics such as cryptography and access control, as well as business-related topics such as disaster recovery and risk management. Third, Level B and C technician for computer hardware fabrication and Level C techn...
Bootstrap 4
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
UCSC Silicon Valley Extension
Avatar of Firman Angga Praditya.
Avatar of Firman Angga Praditya.
IT System Engineer @PT Lintas Media Danawa
2024 ~ Present
IT support engineer,network enginner,system engineer
Within one month
Firman Angga Praditya IT System Engineer Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten, Indonesia I have 6 years of experience as an Information Technology Engineer with experience working in the Data Center industry, as a Systems Engineer skilled in Computer Networks, Computer Hardware, and Computer Security and including Server. I gained a lot of knowledge and experience related to IT systems, from monitoring to troubleshooting to resolving, and quickly learned new things, with the skills I have and I did all of this in teams and individually, by having good communication so I could easily adapt to new environments. Pengalaman Kerja
VMware vSphere
System Administration
IT Support ( Software/Hardware Instalation )
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
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業師 @教育部臺東青年志工中心
2024 ~ Present
Within one month
Microsoft Office
Google Workspace
Lightroom CC
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Part-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
逢甲大學 Feng Chia University
Avatar of Roland Everd Roger.
Avatar of Roland Everd Roger.
Creative Team @PT Saint Technologies Indonesia
2024 ~ Present
Desain Grafis
Within one month
Roland Everd Roger Seeking a challenging position in the Design Field (house design/ drafter / Graphic Design) or IT field or Business field with an organization that provides opportunity to use my design, operational, management, and teamwork skills while enhancing professional growth Mobile :email : [email protected] Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia Pengalaman Kerja JanuariPresent Creative Team PT Saint Technologies Indonesia Design and post Flyer on Social Media Design banners for website needs Design flyers to support the sales & marketing team Create a Landing Page DesemberPresent Marketing Graphic Design Sinar Gading Group Design Promotion Flyer Banner Design
Sketchup Pro
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
Information System
Avatar of 黃銘彥.
Avatar of 黃銘彥.
跟刀專員 @信裕股份有限公司
2015 ~ 2023
Within one month
⼒系統與消防系統。 95年亦參加MS SQL2000資料庫程式設計課程。 學歷大葉大學 DaYeh University 資訊管理臺北城市科技大學 電機系國立海山高工 電機系 技能 Word PowerPoint Excel windows Computer Hardware Help desk 手術跟刀 業務推廣 iFix 總務行政事務 總務事務維護管理 語言 English — 初階 Chinese — 母語或雙語
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Full-time / Not interested in working remotely
6-10 years
大葉大學 DaYeh University
Avatar of Aman Sayeed.
Avatar of Aman Sayeed.
Senior Software Engineer @Supermicro Computer Co., Ltd. (美超微電腦股份有限公司)
2023 ~ Present
Fullstack Web Developer / Backend Engineer
Within one month
delivering successful projects, collaborating with industry leaders, and achieving tangible results. MobileEmail [email protected] Line ID @amansayeed Work Experience Lead Backend Engineer Jan 2023 – Present Supermicro Computer Co., Ltd. 美超微電腦股份有限公司 - Taipei, Taiwan Supermicro Computer Co., Ltd. (美超微電腦股份有限公司) is a globally renowned technology company known for its cutting-edge solutions in the field of computer hardware and server technology. Supermicro has established itself as a leading provider of high-performance, energy
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
Computer science , database , mysql
Avatar of Renaldi Edi Saputra.
Avatar of Renaldi Edi Saputra.
Junior On Site Engineer @Lintasarta
2024 ~ Present
IT support engineer,network enginner,system engineer
Within one month
efficient service delivery. Expertly diagnosed and resolved technical problems with IT devices such as access points, routers, and production servers. Expertly established user accounts, permissions, and passwords. Led end-to-end implementation of client projects, overseeing all aspects and ensuring successful completion. Proficiently installed and configured computer hardware operating systems and applications. Provided technical assistance to network users, ensuring seamless connectivity and resolving any issues promptly. Skillfully installed hardware such as servers, printers, and computer workstations. Successfully diagnosed and resolved various hardware and software glitches and errors. Handling IT onboarding of new
Technical Support and Troubleshooting
Network Troubleshooting
Network Infrastructure
Open to opportunities
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
Perguruan Tinggi Raharja Tangerang
Teknologi Sistem Komputer
Avatar of Angga Apriliandi.
Avatar of Angga Apriliandi.
ITSM Network Security @PT. BANK NEGARA INDONESIA Persero Tbk
2024 ~ Present
IT Administrator, IT Analyst, Cyber security
Within one month
2022 Carrying out work as IT Support in the office related to computer hardware and computer networks Carry out work as an application administrator in the financial sector, especially planning Staf IT & Support • SMK Kristen Kuala Kapuas JanuaryMay 2018 Carrying out work as an IT support technician in a school computer laboratory Carrying out work as school administration support Education Languages Universitas Lambung Mangkurat - Ilmu KomputerEnglish — Beginner Indonesian — Fluent Skills Routing Swicthing Firewall Cybersecurity Data Analysis IT Support Windows & Linux Administrator Security Operations Center Teamwork & Collaboration Problem Solving & Analytical Certification & Training Certified Secure Computer User (CSCU) V3 (EC-COUNCIL) Ethical
Microsoft Office
Open to opportunities
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
Ilmu Komputer

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