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產品副理 @今網智慧科技股份有限公司
2024 ~ Present
Software Product Management
Within one month
Product Management
Data Driven Decision Making
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
Chihlee Institute of Technology
International Business/Trade/Commerce
Avatar of 王文凱 (Terry).
Avatar of 王文凱 (Terry).
產品設計師 & 專案管理 @Taiwan Red Soul
2018 ~ 2024
UI/UX 設計師, UI/UX Designer, 雙語, 數位產品管理
Within two months
王文凱 (Terry) 產品設計、專案管理、視覺&使用介面設計師 新北市, 台灣 我擁有 12 年 UI 設計與 UX 設計經驗,且參與開發並執行專案管理。 我深知產品的價值除了來自於本身品質以外還要有足夠敏捷快速的交付迭代。在實現設計的過程中,我專注於提供
Figma (Software)
UX Design
UI/UX Design
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
10-15 years
The University of Queensland
Innovation and technology management
Avatar of Agus Santoso.
Avatar of Agus Santoso.
Lead Android (PT. Komunitas Anak Bangsa)
2021 ~ 2024
Android Developer
Within one month
Agus Santoso Android Developer South Jakarta || [email protected] | Experienced Android Developer professional with 7+ years of experience, 3+ years of leadership experience and a Master of Computer Science degree. Strong grasp of Android and software development life cycle, Kotlin, UI/UX design, and Agile methodologies. Skilled in team management and collaborating with cross-functional teams to launch company applications on the Google Play Store. Committed to ongoing skill development and making significant contributions towards achieving company objectives.
Android SDK
Android Development
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
Budi Luhur University
Computer Science
Avatar of Jason Chen.
Avatar of Jason Chen.
Freelance Industrial Designer @Freelance
2024 ~ Present
產品設計師 / 平面設計師 / 工業設計師
Within two months
in graphic design software, visual esthetics design, and illustrations. I have successfully led a number of design projects from concept to completion, collaborating closely with cross-functional teams to deliver visually stunning and user-friendly designs. Whether working with my colleagues or leading the project, a designer's critical thinking and problem-solving skills allow me to weave between disciplines and industries. I continue to hone my management, collaboration, leadership, and presentation abilities with each project, through which I have developed a venerable skillset of ideation, design expression, problem-solving, collaboration, and project management. 新北
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Premiere Pro
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
Tatung University
Industrial and Product Design
Avatar of Kung Ying Hsieh.
Avatar of Kung Ying Hsieh.
Design Lead @1TM
2020 ~ Present
Product Designer (UI/UX)
Within three months
Assisted the team in conducting user research and analysis to gather insights and provide feedback necessary for design decisions. Established and optimized workflows to ensure smooth operations for four to six ongoing projects simultaneously. Established a team culture characterized by transparency, an open-minded approach, a focus on critical thinking, and the cultivation of a collaborative ethos among all its members. Collaborated closely with cross-functional team members, including product managers, developers, and stakeholders, contributing significantly to the development of solid product design strategies. Advocated for design concepts, expertly presenting and defending proposals in a timely
UX/UI Design
Visual Design
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
Shih Chien University
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Accounting & HR @Lembaga Pendidikan Bali Asia
2021 ~ Present
Administration Staff
Within one month
Microsoft Office
Google Drive
Open to opportunities
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
10-15 years
Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis STIKOM Bali
Bisnis Digital
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Within two months
Microsoft Office
Open to opportunities
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
10-15 years
UEH - University of Economics Ho Chi Minh
Business Finance
Avatar of Aslam Maududy Atturraby.
Avatar of Aslam Maududy Atturraby.
Senior Web Developer @RSUD Meuraxa
2024 ~ Present
Software Engineer
Within one month
pilihan Work Experience Senior Web Developer • RSUD Meuraxa March 2024 ~ Now・7 months | Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia Acting Head of Information Technology Department • RSUD Meuraxa March 2024 ~ March 2024・1 month | Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia Web Developer • RSUD Meuraxa September 2021 ~ March 2024・2 years 7 months | Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia Junior Web Developer • Politeknik Aceh December 2018 ~ August 2021・2 years 9 months | Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia Education Politeknik Aceh Informatics Engineering • 2015 - 2018 Skills: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) · MySQL Skills Laravel Critical Thinking Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Language Bahasa Indonesia - Fluent English - Beginner
Critical Thinking
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Open to opportunities
Part-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
Politeknik Aceh
Informatics Engineering
Avatar of Joko Santoso.
Avatar of Joko Santoso.
Full Stack Engineer @ASLI RI
2022 ~ Present
Front-End / Back-End / Full Stack Web Developer / Software Engineer / Mobile Developer
Within one month
an internal criminal database through web crawling from Badilum (Directorate General of Courts of General Jurisdiction) data, providing valuable resources for our team. Threat Attack Monitoring: Developed and maintained a threat attack monitoring dashboard for BIN (Indonesian State Intelligence Agency), enhancing information security. DIGITALISASI AK23 Apps: Played a critical role in revamping and maintaining the DIGITALISASI AK23 Apps for POLRI (Indonesian National Police) and integrating necessary hardware. Applications for Korpolairud: Contributed to developing applications for Korpolairud (Directorate of Water Police), optimizing their operations. Guestbook: an app for inviting and managing guests by storing their personal information
React Native
Open to opportunities
Indonesia・United States・Malaysia・Singapore・Australia・Japan
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
Universitas Pembangunan Jaya
Computer Science
Avatar of Yu-Liang Ting.
Avatar of Yu-Liang Ting.
Senior Frontend Developer @KK Company
2024 ~ Present
Front-End / Back-End / Full Stack Web Developer
Within one month
Yu Liang Ting (Brandon Ting Full Stack Developer [email protected]  Portfolio Summary A fullstack developer who values innovation, integrity, and responsibility. A rapid learner with massive curiosity who eager to explore new tech. Specialize in React/NextJS ecosystem but also have experience with other modern front-end frameworks like svelte and vue, back-end experience in NodeJS and Golang and DevOps skills including docker, CICD, and ansible. I believe critical thinking, clear communication and never stop thinking about better solutions are vital for greatness. Skills Front-end React 19/Nextjs (page
Open to opportunities
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
National Taiwan University

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