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Avatar of Jimmy Chen.
Avatar of Jimmy Chen.
iOS Engoneer @VoiceTube 紅點子科技股份有限公司
2020 ~ 2023
iOS Developer
Within one year
公司 十二月三月Implemented RxSwift framework and MVVM patterns. Later refactoring to MVVM-C pattern - Introduce usage of Gitflow for maintaining proper feature development and release cycle - Assisted in debugging and testing, contributing to the successful launch of an app update - Developed and released a language vocabulary game, showcasing strong problem-solving skills and creative UI/UX design - Implemented a real-time language translation feature, leveraging Core ML and Natural Language Processing, expanding the app's global reach App Team Lead • iQIYI 愛奇藝 六月九月Adopted the MVVM pattern and
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
國立臺北大學 National Taipei University
Avatar of 林郁綺 / Irene.
Avatar of 林郁綺 / Irene.
Front-end application developer @美商優渥科技有限公司 Youwo Technology Co., Ltd.
2021 ~ Present
Within one year
variety of programming courses on the online course center always interested me, such as: VueJS, AngularJS, C#, etc. In addition to this, after I worked for eight years, I am going back to school for a master's degree. The study is mainly based on the Python language, exploring the fields of web crawler, Flask, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and I take this as the subject of my master's thesis - "Exploring Artificial Intelligence Technologies for Fake News Detection". During my studies and employment, it has cultivated my careful, positive work attitude and interpersonal communication
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
10-15 years
國立臺灣師範大學 National Taiwan Normal University
圖書資訊學研究所 Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies

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