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Cake Talent Search

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Courier Leader @PT. Satria Antaran Prima Tbk SAP Express
2022 ~ 2024
Administration Staff
Within one month
Microsoft Office
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta
Bachelor of Agriculture
Avatar of Hsienyun Chang.
Avatar of Hsienyun Chang.
Research And Development Manager @Heimdall Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
2023 ~ Present
Software Engineer / Backend Engineer
Within one month
script (SQL Server) for analysis. #ASP.NET MVC #C# #Microsoft SQL Server #PostgreSQL EducationNational Taiwan University of Science and Technology - Computer Science Master's degreeSoochow University - Computer Science & Information Management Bachelor's degree Technical Skills React Node.js Git GitLab Redis Docker C# C# ASP.NET Next.js Nest.js MongoDB SQL Server PostgreSQL MySQL AWS CSS SASS/SCSS Angular 8 Soft Skills Adaptability Communication Conflict resolution Leadership Teamwork Problem solving Time management Active listening Organization Collaboration Dependability Patience Flexibility Work ethic Ana...
Backend Development
Frontend Development
Full Stack Web Development
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Full-time / Remote Only
4-6 years
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Computer Science
Avatar of Clarence Wu.
Avatar of Clarence Wu.
Creative Director @Void Vector
2020 ~ Present
Within one month
Connect / G-Player One | Demo day Finalists 2018 ROC Ministry of Labor Venture Phoenix Loan Entrepreneurial Competition | Winner of Internet Industry 2016 Forex Campus Autumn League | Winner, Delegation of THUhigh school) ITEX 25th International Invention, Innovation & Technology Exhibition | Exhibitor, Bronze prize National Youth Summit Forum | Finalists team, 3 rd prize National High School Literature Summer Camp | Organizer EDUCATIONTunghai University International Business AdministrationTunghai University Business Administration 技能 Soft Skills Problem solving Strong work ethic Critical thinking High Career adaptability Proactive personality Hard Skills Competitor analysis Project management UX design Creative design Digital media operations Languages Chinese English Taiwanese Hakka
Microsoft Office
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
Tunghai University
International Business Administration
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Product Manager @Aten International Co.
2020 ~ Present
Product/Project Manager
Within two months
Product Management
Project Management
Software Development
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Full-time / Not interested in working remotely
6-10 years
國立清華大學 National Tsing Hua University
Master of Electrical Engineering Signals and Systems
Avatar of Fanny Sekar Parentya.
Avatar of Fanny Sekar Parentya.
Business Development Executive @prasmul eli
2021 ~ Present
Business Development / Product Manager / Product Marketing/ Strategy Manager
Within one month
Fanny Sekar Parentya Innovation and Strategic Business Development | University of Birmingham Jakarta, Indonesia She is experienced in business development and corporate strategic planning to help with sales and strategic duties with professionalism, focus on value-added activities, and persistence as a work ethic to achieve the target. Pengalaman Kerja Business Development Executive • PT. Prasetiya Mulya ELI DesemberPresent Identified and pursued new business opportunities to drive revenue growth; Translated customer needs into solution requirements using value propositions and negotiation skills; Established and maintained effective relationships with clients and industry partners; Implemented innovative business development strategies to increase the customer
Microsoft Office
Sales Management
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Full-time / Not interested in working remotely
4-6 years
University of Birmingham
Entrepreneurship/Entrepreneurial Studies
Avatar of Viswan Sankaran.
Recruiter; Human Resources Manager
More than one year
Business Operations and meet top line and bottom line objectives • Recognized for hands-on experience in assessing, internalizing & effectively implementing strategies, policies & procedures as well as disseminating knowledge in an easy-to-understand manner to employees & customers benefiting both the employees and the organization • Implementing and executing successful strategies leading to effective operational excellence and improved work ethic, culture & performance • An excellent communicator and a top negotiator with the ability to work under pressure in fast-paced, time sensitive environments. Proven ability to interact effectively with people of diverse nationalities and comfortable working in a multi-cultural set-up
recruitment; hr management; compensation & benfits
reward management
Salary Surveys
Ready to interview
Part-time / Interested in working remotely
More than 15 years
Madurai Kamaraj University
Human Resources Management
Avatar of Anindya P.
Avatar of Anindya P.
Executive Assistant @Nusatuna (PT. Berkat Kelautan Nusantara)
2024 ~ 2025
Pesonal Assistant, Secretary to Director, Office Manager, Social Media
Within one month
and Business Development skills. Willingness to take on added responsibilities to meet team goals. Offering keen attention to detail and strong decision-making skills to manage multiple, concurrent tasks. Assists individuals of diverse backgrounds with basic legal needs and coordinates referrals for advanced cases. Self-motivated work ethic to perform effectively in independent or team environments.[email protected] Work Experience Executive Assistant to Country Manager • TWI Indonesia OctoberPresent Direct Reporting to Kumar Annamalai and Rahma Dhita Assist
Attention To Detail
Open to opportunities
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
10-15 years
Universitas Nusa Mandiri
Information System
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Product Manager-SW @BE Semiconductor Industries N.V.
2020 ~ Present
Project Lead / Tech Lead / Team Lead / Technical Manager
Within one month
C & C++
JIRA Confluence
Open to opportunities
6-10 years
National Tsing Hua University Taiwan
Numerical analysis and parallel computing
Avatar of tatianaantonik.
Avatar of tatianaantonik.
Stewardess @Yacht
2019 ~ Present
Within one month
service professional with an excellent work ethic and commitment to further professional growth, and as such I am optimistic that I can make a positive contribution to your estate. Hopefully you believe the same. I appreciate your time and hope to talk to you directly about this position soon. Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States Work Experience Stewardess • Yacht FebPresent · 6 yrs As an estate housekeeper and private yacht stewardess with a combined 5+ years of experience as a service profe...
Open to opportunities
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
Broward College
Avatar of Sugih Sarifudin.
Avatar of Sugih Sarifudin.
2015 ~ Present
supervisor mechanical
Within one month
in a mechanically-related field or a high school diploma with completed, related trade courses. Welding Operator • PT.CLADTEK BI METAL MANUFACTURING OktoberDesember 2013 A proven Welding Operator professional with the ability to grasp new tasks quickly and efficiently, with diverse experience and training. Also values hard work ethic, self-discipline, self-motivation, and dedication. welder • PT. ASL shipyard batam JuliSeptember 2012 Experienced welder with 1+ years expertise in latest welding techniques. Welding certificate course graduate and 2012 Excellence in Welding award winner. Seeking to leverage knowledge of SMAW to become the
Microsoft Office
Open to opportunities
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
SMK Management Training Systems

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