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Freelance Copywriter 商業和創意寫作 @Kai's Little Shop of Words
2024 ~ Present
Content Writer, Copywriter, Digital Marketing, Marketing Communication
Within two months
Google Drive
Adobe XD
Ready to interview
Part-time / Remote Only
4-6 years
Avatar of 李思齊.
Avatar of 李思齊.
Senior Reliability & Mechanical Engineer @Semtech
2021 ~ Present
Within one month
李思齊 Mechanical & Reliability senior engineer 位於Semtech Taiwan 1. [About me]: It has been 20 years since I started working in society and I have been working in the manufacturing industry. Aries likes to travel to the mountains and sea, and also likes to read and absorb all kinds of new knowledge. In addition to using it as a topic, it can also increase their writing skills. 2. [Work experience]: (1) By chance, I arrived at <Huaya Technology Co., Ltd.> of the Formosa Plastics Group. The company is mainly
AutoCad 2D
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Full-time / Interested in working remotely
10-15 years
Ming Chi University of Technology
Avatar of Carlos Augusto.
Internet Marketing Specialist
More than one year
years experience as a senior front end web developer, UI/UX designer, graphic designer, and over 10 years as a digital marketer, content creator, and copywriter. I bring to the table a keen eye for design seasoned by an engineer’s attention to detail, combined with best-of writing, all driven by a passion for building a better future. I believe blockchain and crypto is where I can best leverage my skills to make the biggest impact. Selected Professional Experience Crazy Egg , MarchPresent Contributing Writer, Digital Marketer Crazy Egg is one of the world’s top
JavaScript Frameworks
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Full-time / Remote Only
More than 15 years
Art Institute of Los Angeles
3D Animation
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AI演算法工程師 @得勝醫學科技股份有限公司
2024 ~ Present
Within six months
Open to opportunities
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
10-15 years
高雄醫學大學 生物醫學暨環境生物碩士班
計算生物學- Computational biology
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Freelance Writer (Indonesia) @CakeResume
2023 ~ Present
Associate Editor and content writer
Within one month
word + powerpoint + excel + email
Writing Skills
Editorial Skills
Open to opportunities
Part-time / Remote Only
4-6 years
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Pendidikan Sejarah
Avatar of Siti Sarah Sofyaningrat.
Avatar of Siti Sarah Sofyaningrat.
UX Copywriter @Freelance
2024 ~ Present
UX writer, Copywriter, SEO Specialist, Translator, Localization Specialist, Content Writer
Within one month
principles and best practices in UX copywriting. Check out my work here: Work Experience UX Copywriter • Freelance JuniSekarang | Remote I'm a Top-Rated Upwork freelancer with a 100% job success score, specializing in crafting user-centric content that blends UX writing, copywriting, and SEO strategy to create impactful, conversion-driven experiences. I help businesses build exceptional digital experiences through: In-app content strategy Landing page copy Web & app information architecture SEO-optimized articles Bilingual translation (English & Indonesian) Additionally, I provide: Content research: Understanding user needs to create content that
Writing Skills
Translating and Editing
UX Writing
Full-time / Remote Only
4-6 years
University of Indonesia
Avatar of Rizky Syafa'at.
Avatar of Rizky Syafa'at.
Digital Sales Coordinator @CV. Amily
2023 ~ Present
Digital Marketing
Within one month
Rizky Syafa'at Digital Marketing and Sales Saya adalah seorang yang ingin selalu mencoba hal baru dan menyukai tantangan dalam hal pekerjaan. Mudah beradaptasi dan juga loyal kepada perusahaan. Dengan skill dan pengalaman yang saya miliki, saya harap saya bisa memberikan kontribusi dan karya terbaik saya dimanapun saya berada. Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java, [email protected] Pengalaman Kerja OktoberSekarang Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat Host Live BOZRVK 1. Melakukan Live Streaming di platform Shopee dan Tiktok selama 4 jam dalam sehari, membantu
Google Drive
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
6-10 years
Politeknik Triguna
Manajemen Perusahaan
Avatar of Altha Swita Abrianto.
Avatar of Altha Swita Abrianto.
Freelance Writer @DIGIFY
2024 ~ Present
Content Writer
Within two months
Altha Swita Abrianto Content Article As a Content Creator at PT Tele Globe Global , I gained valuable experience in crafting engaging and impactful content across diverse platforms. Collaborating with a skilled team, I honed my ability to deliver compelling messages tailored to effectively reach various audiences, significantly contributing to the company's online success. Experience AugustPresent Freelance Writer Digify Wrote and delivered 30 articles, each ranging fromwords, adhering strictly to client specifications and deadlines, showcasing strong time management and writing skills. Created and optimized meta descriptions and selected relevant
Microsoft Office
Full-time / Remote Only
4-6 years
Universitas Islam 45' Bekasi
Ilmu Komunikasi
Avatar of Alabi Mariam.
Avatar of Alabi Mariam.
content writer @ABC Marketing Agency
2022 ~ 2023
Content Strategist, Copywriter, UX Writer, SEO Strategist, SEO Manager, Content Writer, Content Manager,
Within six months
persuasive copy for our website, including landing pages, product descriptions, and service overviews that effectively communicate our value proposition. Social Media Content: Creating compelling and shareable content for our social media platforms to enhance our online presence and foster community engagement. Email Marketing: Crafting personalized and impactful email campaigns that nurture leads, build relationships, and drive conversions. Education UNIVERSITY OF LAGOS STATE MASS COMMUNICATION,WRITINGSkills Writing Skills Writing Articles Writing Content Course Design COURSE WEBSITE Course Development Blogs Writing Proposal Writing Microsoft Office powerpoint canva design ( pemula) SEO Content Creation SEO Content Writer PowerPoint Languages English — Professional
Writing Skills
Writing Articles
Writing Content
Full-time / Interested in working remotely
4-6 years
Avatar of YENTING LEE.
Avatar of YENTING LEE.
English Teacher @ANNY"S ENGLISH
2023 ~ Present
Administration Staff
Within six months
YENTING [email protected] United States 工作經歷 English Teacher • ANNY'S ENGLISH JunePresent Guided three children in their English learning, creating individualized study plans based on each student's needs. Taught grammar, vocabulary, speaking, and writing skills with enthusiasm and professionalism, helping students improve their English grades and build confidence. Used interactive teaching methods to stimulate students' interest and initiative in learning. Regularly communicated with parents, reporting on students' progress and providing relevant learning suggestions. Teaching experience ranges from children to high school students and adults. Assisted them in their
United States
Part-time / Interested in working remotely
More than 15 years

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