宇善筠 Shan-Yun Yu


  新北市, 台灣

  • 時程管理與溝通
  • 商用英文書信能力,多益855
  • 簡報製作及報告撰寫
  • 具備電腦軟體自學能力 
  • GRI準則、TCFD準則框架
  • 碳盤查計算

#ESG #邏輯思考 #時間管理 #美感設計 #責任心 #團隊合作 #善於溝通 


自傳 autobiography



我尤其對企業永續治理、風險管理以及綠色金融有強烈的興趣,加上本身性格細心謹慎、喜歡分析並思考各種可能性,使我十分適合從事幕僚性質的工作。我在研究所時撰寫的學位以及研討會論文皆是藝術設計類的歷史研究,這使我不僅擁有優秀的文獻閱讀與資料蒐集能力,同時具備能產出報告的文章撰寫能力,我相信這能成為公司在編撰永續報告書時的一大助力。 再者,設計思考的訓練讓我熟悉察覺、溝通並理解他人的需求,同時具備良好的計畫與報告能力,藝術領域的學習也讓我對於文化擁有極高的敏銳度,我認為我的所學是當想在ESG的社會構面做出成績時可適時派上用場的特質。



Hello, my name is Yu Shan-Yun, and I graduated from the Design Department at National Taiwan Normal University. I have received pre-employment training commissioned by the government, where I learned skills and knowledge related to sustainable management. I also plan to undergo ISO-14067 carbon footprint training and pursue the Basic Sustainability Finance Competency Certification. I am currently actively seeking employment in sustainability and green-collar-related fields.

I have a solid understanding of current sustainability policies in Taiwan and internationally, including the context of ESG and green industry development, corporate sustainability governance and risk management, green finance, the ISO-14064-1 framework, and carbon inventory practices. I am particularly interested in corporate sustainability governance, risk management, and green finance. My careful and cautious nature, combined with a strong inclination to analyze and think through various possibilities, makes me well-suited for a support role.

In graduate school, I wrote my thesis and seminar papers on historical research in art and design. This has equipped me with excellent literature reading and data collection skills, as well as the ability to write reports. I believe this can be a great asset to the company when preparing sustainability reports. Additionally, my background in graphic design has honed my skills in organizing information and creating presentations. I can deliver clear and concise information visually, facilitating smooth communication. The training in design thinking has made me adept at perceiving, communicating, and understanding others' needs, while also strengthening my planning and reporting abilities. My studies in the arts have also given me a heightened sensitivity to culture, a trait that I believe will be valuable when working on the social aspect of ESG.

Regarding language skills, I scored 855 on the TOEIC, and I am also self-learning Japanese. I enjoy self-learning languages, as I believe that language is the most important tool for accessing firsthand information, and it helps bridge the gap with international partners, promoting smooth and harmonious collaboration.

I hope to apply the skills I have learned to a career in sustainability and green-collar work, and I look forward to contributing my abilities and growing alongside the team. I am excited about the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to your company.

經歷 experience

October 2024 ~ January 2025


Corporate ESG Sustainable Management Specialist at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. 


The total training hours are 301, covering core sustainability concepts and skills such as the context of ESG and green industry development, corporate sustainability governance and risk management, green finance, Major Corporate Sustainability Evaluation Frameworks, and carbon inventory practices. 

Apr 2024


National Tsing Hua University Department of Arts and Design Graduate Thesis Seminar


Completed a paper presentation at the seminar: Miyata Yataro's "Primrose" and the Gene of Art Nouveau in the Fin-de-Siècle Illustrations.

Nov 2023



Chiba University, Japan, Future Culture and Crafts International Design Workshop

實地走訪日本墨田區田野調查,並以英語與日本千葉大學的同學進行創作專案之發表以及學術交流。以當地傳統工藝文化角度切入,設計與CITY WALK概念結合的集章活動專案。

Conducted field research in the Sumida Ward of Japan, presenting a creative project and engaging in academic exchange with classmates from Chiba University in English. The project focused on the local traditional craft culture, combining design with the concept of CITY WALK to create a stamp-collection activity.

Aug 2022

廣達電腦 MIS CAMP 實習生 



Assisted in contacting suppliers to confirm service renewals, successfully achieving the target number of contracts signed.

學歷 education 

2021 - 2024

國立台灣師範大學 設計研究所 碩士 

National Taiwan Normal University  Master of Design,M.Des.

 4.12/5 GPA 

技能 Skills

  • toeic800+
  • PowerPoint
  • Microsoft Office
  • Photoshop
  • Google Drive
  • Communication
  • Canva
  • Illustrator
  • InDesign

語言 Language

  • English — Advanced
  • Japanese — Basic