Hijup Stuff
Admin Warehouse
Hello, my name is Audilla Sekar Pangesti. I am S1 Management 2022 from As-Syafi'iyah Islamic University. I am a time-disciplined person in completing work, honest, happy and quick to learn new things, and accustomed to operating a computer. Have experience in managing documents during internship. Interested in the fields of human resources, administration, and finance to be able to develop the capabilities that have been owned. I have high motivation to work hard. I am interested to working in management and I am also happy to learn new things in other fields.
In college, I have also participated in UKM REKOM (2018), became a member of the R&D division (Research and Development) in the HIMMA (Management Student Association) (2020), and became a senior member (Arts and Sports) in the BEM FEB organization (2021).
Language : Bahasa Indonesia, English (elementary)
Universitas Islam As-Syafiiyah
Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia