Talents who apply job through Applied Materials Career Website will be reviewed and considered as top priority
Please apply job here: https://careers.appliedmaterials.com/careers/job/790293826051
This opening is to collect candidate profiles instead of a real job opening - We welcome you apply this opening if you want to get into our talent database! Applied Materials values talents. We want to actively engage with each talent to build your profile into our talent database so that we can match your profile with our job openings when there is a suitable one.
■ Key Responsibilities
1. Develop state of the art algorithms in the fields of Computer Vision, Machine Learning and Deep Learning.
2. Engage in customer facing activities to aid algorithms' proliferation at customer sites
3. Provide software specifications and production code on time to meet project milestones
4. Close work with the applications, system, physics, software, and qualification groups in order to understand the customers’ requirements and system constraints
5. Algorithm integration in large systems considering HW and SW aspects
Great Place to work as Algorithm Developer at Applied Taiwan
1. You can experiment with data, technology, science and new methodologies like never before.
2. An environment where new ideas are welcome and encouraged; there is great variety in the work and no two days are the same.
3. The chance to seize a great opportunity to work for an innovator and market leader and use your skills to help keep Applied Materials at the forefront of the semiconductor and display market.
應用材料公司(Applied Materials, Inc.)是世界最大半導體及顯示器設備領導廠商,名列全球前五百大公司之一。成立於1967年,總部設於美國加州矽谷聖塔克拉拉 (Santa Clara),在美國、歐洲、以色列、台灣以及新加坡等地設有技術研發與製造中心,>120個服務據點廣布於全球24個國家,員工人數超過33,000位。
台灣應用材料公司(Applied Materials Taiwan)為在台子公司,服務據點包括林口、新竹、台中、台南與高雄,獨一無二的設施為新竹的全球技術培訓中心(GTLC)、台南顯示器設備製造中心與研發實驗室,以及8吋半導體設備製造中心,位於桃園的亞洲設備零件物流中心, 發貨全亞洲客戶。
應用材料公司是提供材料工程解決方案的領導者,我們的設備用來製造幾近世界上每顆新式晶片與先進顯示器。我們以工業規模在原子層級進行材料改質的專業,協助客戶將可能轉化成真。 在應用材料公司,我們以創新實現更美好未來。
榮獲多項殊榮及客戶肯定:Fortune雜誌《全球最受推崇企業》、Forbes雜誌《全球最佳雇主》、BARRON’S評選《Most Sustainable Companies》、人權運動基金會評為《平等友好 LGBTQ 的最佳工作場所》、應材台南顯示器設備製造中心黃金級綠建築認證、台積優良供應商卓越表現獎《卓越技術合作》、聯電《傑出合作夥伴獎》、英特爾《首選優質供應商獎》;台灣應材榮獲天下雜誌《2023天下永續公民獎》、《2023天下人才永續獎》、《Best Workplaces in Taiwan™ 2023》、HR Asia《2021年亞洲最佳企業雇主獎》、國家人才發展獎、Best Workplaces in Taiwan加入認證單位Great Place to Work、台灣應材2023年榮獲天下雜誌《天下永續公民獎》、《天下人才永續獎》雙冠、多次獲文化部文馨獎等。